futuredapp / CellKit

Table View and Collection View data source wrapper

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AbstractDataSource methods access level

adam-leitgeb opened this issue · comments

Methods in AbstractDataSource are not open so in case we need to change / add something to current implementation, we can't. I wanted to ask what's the reason for such decision? Can I make PR with open methods?

I agree this could be required. Do you have the reason/use-case for it so I understand how this could help?

I needed to call method on table view's instance every time cellForRowAtIndexPath: is called. However, I realized it's not good at all and found different solution.

I decided to close this issue because I can't think of any other scenario when we might need these public methods to be open.

Thank you

I'm sorry for late reply. I haven't received notification.

OK, thanks for the information.