fussybeaver / bollard

Docker daemon API in Rust

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Bind Volume Mounts

pedrobmorales opened this issue · comments

I'm trying to mount a volume in my container as if I did -v argument to docker container run.
I am not sure how to use the volumes field of bollard::container::Config.

Basically I want to

docker container run -v $(pwd)/my/folder:/etc/myapp/config my_image arg1 arg2 arg3

This is what I'm trying:

   let mut volume_mounts = HashMap::new();
    let empty_map = HashMap::new();
    // empty_map.insert((), ());
    volume_mounts.insert(config_yaml_mount.as_str(), empty_map);

    let create_container_options = bollard::container::Config {
        image: Some(config.ninja_panda_image.as_str()),
        env: Some(vec![
        volumes: Some(volume_mounts),
    let container = docker
            Some(bollard::container::CreateContainerOptions {
                platform: Some("linux/arm64"),
                name: container_name,

Could you try something like this?

    let mut binds = vec![];

    let create_container_options = bollard::container::Config {
        image: Some(config.ninja_panda_image.as_str()),
        env: Some(vec![
        binds: Some(binds),
    let container = docker
            Some(bollard::container::CreateContainerOptions {
                platform: Some("linux/arm64"),
                name: container_name,

Hi, it did not work, there is a compiler error because binds is a Vector but the library requires a HashMap.

I'd be happy to try to submit a PR. I think in general the typing of the volume mount:

HashMap<&str, HashMap<(),()>

Should be clarified a bit. Perhaps to

HashMap<&str, Vector<VolumeMountOption>

Where VolumeMountOption is perhaps an enum of the mount point commands supported by Docker.

When I run my command on the cli, with docker I get the correct behavior:

docker container run -it -v $(pwd):/home/np  31c701dbd122 sh
        "Mounts": [
                "Type": "bind",
                "Source": "/Users/pmorales/Git/ninja-panda",
                "Destination": "/home/np",
                "Mode": "",
                "RW": true,
                "Propagation": "rprivate"

I think your library is excellent by the way. I can attempt to provide a patch for the capability, I think it just didn't get implemented.

Try this instead:

let mut binds = vec![];

    let create_container_options = bollard::container::Config {
        image: Some(config.ninja_panda_image.as_str()),
        env: Some(vec![
        binds: Some(binds),

This will work when you get the types right, I usually use String everywhere, but you want to go for str instead.
This is a vector, not a hashmap: https://docs.rs/bollard/0.13.0/bollard/models/struct.HostConfig.html#structfield.binds

Hi, you are correct, this worked!!

    let path_mount = format!(

    let create_container_options = bollard::container::Config {
        image: Some(config.ninja_panda_image.as_str()),
        env: Some(vec![
        host_config: Some(HostConfig {
            binds: Some(vec![path_mount]),

I was confused by container::Config::volumes but I really needed container::Config::host_config::binds.

Thank you for your help!