fusioninventory / fusioninventory-for-glpi

FusionInventory plugin for GLPI

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Inventory error : GLPi 10.0.5 et FusionInventory 2.5.2

BoyerBrice opened this issue · comments


I have an issue on some computer.
The Fusion agent send information to FusionInventory plugin, but does not link to any computer and no additional information ...

I am in GLPI 10.0.5, FusionInventory 10.0.3 and Agent Fusion 2.6 (All on a Windows Server 2019).

Here are the logs I get during an inventory from a W10 workstation :

[Tue Jan 31 13:34:52 2023][info] sending prolog request to server0
[Tue Jan 31 13:34:52 2023][info] running task Collect
[Tue Jan 31 13:34:52 2023][info] No Collect job enabled or Collect support disabled server side.
[Tue Jan 31 13:34:55 2023][info] running task Inventory
[Tue Jan 31 13:34:55 2023][info] New inventory from XXXX.domain.local-2023-01-31-13-32-45 for server0
[Tue Jan 31 13:35:12 2023][error] [http client] unexpected content, starting with !DOCTYPE html
[Tue Jan 31 13:35:19 2023][info] FusionInventory Agent memory usage: WSS=3358720 PFU=115367936
[Tue Jan 31 13:35:25 2023][info] FusionInventory Agent memory usage: WSS=3153920 PFU=115404800

Did you have any idea how to solve this issue ?


a problem with your GLPI installation (GLPI or plugin, or webserver configuration)



I have the same problem. Can you help me?
Do you have more details on where the problem comes from?


Thanks ! But i don't know where to look at :/
I don't understand why it works for some computers only.

You can run in debug = 1 or 2 in the agent to have more information

I've run it with debug level 2 :

I got this error message :

[Tue Jan 31 14:41:11 2023][debug] unexpected error in FusionInventory::Agent::Task::Inventory::Win32::License: Can't use string ("0x00000001") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at C:\Program Files\FusionInventory-Agent/perl/agent/FusionInventory/Agent/Task/Inventory/Win32/License.pm line 139.

and i've serach with the keywork "Doctype" :

[Tue Jan 31 14:40:10 2023][debug2] format: Plaintext
[Tue Jan 31 14:40:10 2023][debug2] [http client] receiving message:

<title>FusionInventory - GLPI</title>

Maybe meta charset settings ?

@BoyerBrice This looks like the same bug I fixed for GLPI-Agent last week: glpi-agent #323
You can fix it by cleaning the related registry as a value key was set where none was expected.

it not display the URL used before [debug2] [http client] ?

it not display the URL used before [debug2] [http client] ?

Nope, it's the full error ligne

By the way, i've install GLPi Agent 1.5 too, and with debug level 2 i got those issue :

html lang="fr"

<title>Authentification - GLPI</title> ... [Tue Jan 31 15:11:01 2023][info] Deploy task not supported by server0 [Tue Jan 31 15:11:02 2023][debug] new thread 5 to handle task Collect [Tue Jan 31 15:11:02 2023][info] running task Collect

And the registery key :

I only have an empty key that i can not delete, (by default)

Humm, perhaps the url in entities menu, root entity and have FusionInventory tab. What url you have in this form?

Humm, perhaps the url in entities menu, root entity and have FusionInventory tab. What url you have in this form?

Thanks, in there i have http://X.X.X.X/glpi
X.X.X.X is my GLPI Server

is the URL correct to connect (with web browser) to your GLPI server ?

is the URL correct to connect (with web browser) to your GLPI server ?
Nope, it's https://Glpi.domain.local or https://X.X.X.X

I've tried to put that into Entity Menu and same result.

On agent side, what server URL you have defined?

in registery key for Fusion Inventory agent, i have : https://glpi.domain.local/plugins/fusioninventory/
and i think i have tried all combination, same result.

try with full url: https://glpi.domain.local/plugins/fusioninventory/front/communication.php

You must restart the service if you run with after modification of the registry

Thanks, i've tried and i got this now into Fusioninventory Agent log on client : [error] [http client] unknown content format

And something really strange :

  • in entities menu, root entity and have FusionInventory tab , i've put http://X.X.X.X.domain.local/
  • On my Agent configuration i've put the same URL

And now, in client agent log, i got :
[error] [http client] communication error: 404 Not Found
[error] No answer from server at https://X.X.X.X/ocsinventory

I don't use ocsinventory, where this come from ?

Good question ;(