fusioninventory / fusioninventory-for-glpi

FusionInventory plugin for GLPI

Home Page:http://www.FusionInventory.org/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

what's next

kirilwapj opened this issue · comments

What's the difference between fusion inventory and glpi inventory?

How will the project develop further?

We working on next major version of agent (3.0).
bye bye XML data structure from OCS and use JSON data structure.

The data structure is currently redesigned in conteners to be better to adapt and for modern cases.

On server side, all requests will be do in REST API (modern API).
We will have 2 servers :

  • plugin for GLPI/GSIT will be updated.
  • We will have a new server part with the project FusionSuite (https://fusionsuite.org/)

It's planned for 2023 ;)

this is great, thanks for the reply)

What's the difference between fusion inventory and glpi inventory?

glpiinventory plugin is a fork from fusioninventory plugin that has been made to keep support of inventory advanced features in combination of usage of basic inventory features that are now directly embeded in GLPI itself. It has been made by GLPI core team as a transitionnal plugin and will likely dissapear in a not so far future when most used features will be embed in GLPI itself.