funkia / turbine

Purely functional frontend framework for building web applications

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Versioned documentation

stevekrouse opened this issue · comments

I wasted a lot of time today trying to use input because that's what it is in the current README on Github, but that's a brand new change, so the version I was using had it calledinputValue.

Is the proper way to read Turbine documentation to go to the README on the commit hash of the released version you're using? Or would you recommend always trying to use code at the master hash and stay as up to date as possible? Either way, let's put a warning about this somewhere in the documentation for people.

Potentially the solution is a documentation page separate from Github that allows you to select your version, but that requires work...

And if I'm being honest, I don't think that you're "fully done" making a change to the library until all example throughout the codebase (including on reflect the new style. I don't think it's kosher to leave past examples up.

What would mitigate leaving past examples up is is if the version number (or commit hash) would be in import definitions at the top of the file, instead of in the package.json, such as import { elements, runComponent } from "@funkia/turbine@0.2.0"; However, I imagine that's not something you can change...