funkey / pylp

Unified python wrappers for popular ILP solvers

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Set num threads errors

pattonw opened this issue · comments

set_num_threads seems to core dump with Scip every time.
Minimal recreation:

import pylp
solver = pylp.create_linear_solver(pylp.Preference.Scip)

I sometimes also see issues using set_num_threads with the Gurobi backend, however haven't managed to recreate this one yet.

File "/groups/mousebrainmicro/home/pattonw/anaconda3/envs/mouselight/lib/python3.6/site-packages/funlib/match/", line 91, in solve
RuntimeError: Gurobi error in /groups/funke/home/funkej/.miniconda3/envs/pylp/conda-bld/pylp_1553874602236/work/solvers/GurobiBackend.cpp:326