fundon / rust-framework-benchmarks

Benchmarks of most widely used web frameworks built in rust.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Rust framework benchmarks

Benchmarks of most widely used rust web frameworks.

Frameworks included








Concurrency: 10 Duration: 20 secs Threads: 1
Name Req/sec Avg Latency Max Latency # Requests
ntex 228,941. 0.032 ms 2.89 ms 4,601,755
actix 223,726 0.033 ms 3.77 ms 4,496,881
hyper 205,325 0.036 ms 3.02 ms 4,126,939
axum 203,453 0.037 ms 3.66 ms 4,089,273
warp 200,585 0.042 ms 10.00 ms 4,012,148
rocket 155,307 0.055 ms 10.06 ms 3,121,697
tide 127,537 0.069 ms 2.38 ms 2,563,488
Concurrency: 100 Duration: 20 secs Threads: 1
Name Req/sec Avg Latency Max Latency # Requests
hyper 237,480 0.228 ms 2.82 ms 4,773,611
warp 232,012 0.233 ms 1.94 ms 4,663,878
axum 229,416 0.238 ms 3.02 ms 4,611,457
actix 206,339 0.260 ms 2.32 ms 4,147,603
ntex 201,824 0.266 ms 2.88 ms 4,056,874
rocket 171,122 0.375 ms 9.09 ms 3,439,704
tide 51,483 2.100 ms 27.15 ms 1,034,990
Concurrency: 1000 Duration: 20 secs Threads: 1
Name Req/sec Avg Latency Max Latency # Requests
hyper 163,132 3.100 ms 17.20 ms 4,905,895
warp 162,803 3.100 ms 17.80 ms 4,898,235
axum 157,119 3.220 ms 16.12 ms 4,725,407
ntex 132,546 3.800 ms 12.15 ms 3,983,054
actix 130,516 3.870 ms 12.61 ms 3,917,247
rocket 123,441 4.140 ms 25.90 ms 3,704,682
tide 42,289 27.17 ms 182.9 ms 1,269,557

Benchmarking tool

The benchmarks have been performed using wrk, locally.

Check the raw output from wrk here.

Try it yourself

To run the code please follow the steps -

  1. Download the repository as a zip, or clone/fork it.
  2. cd rust-framework-benchmarks
  3. cargo build --release
  4. Open multiple terminals and start each server (if you want to run all simultaneously). Eg, ./target/release/actix on one, ./target/release/hyper on another and so on.
  5. Run batch tests - sh ./

All the output will be stored in perf/*

Machine used

M1 Max MacBook Pro 2021 - 64GB ram, 10 CPU cores and 32 GPU cores

Suggestions and changes

All the suggestions, code changes or additions of another web framework is appreciated. I'd like to keep the code as close as a real world scenario, instead of optimising it to the metal.


Benchmarks of most widely used web frameworks built in rust.


Language:Shell 55.6%Language:Rust 44.4%