funcy2267 / kodi-script-launcher

Create your own executable Kodi addons.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This script lets you easily make your own Kodi addon, that will execute your bash script on Linux directly from GUI.


You have to configure two files for your addon.
Base configuration for your addon is config.txt:

  • ADDON_ID [required] - ID of your addon (e.g. script.launcher.firefox)
  • NAME [required] - Name of your addon that shows up on the list (e.g. Firefox)
  • LANGUAGE [required] - Language code for summary, description and the whole addon (e.g. en)
  • VERSION [optional] - Version of your addon (e.g. 1.0)
  • PROVIDER [optional] - Provider of your addon (e.g. Mozilla Foundation)
  • SUMMARY [optional] - A short description about what your addon does (e.g. Firefox laucher)
  • DESCRIPTION [optional] - Longer description about your addon
  • IMAGE_ICON [optional] - Path to icon image for your addon (e.g. /home/user/Pictures/image.png)
  • IMAGE_FANART [optional] - Path to fanart image for your addon (e.g. /home/user/Pictures/fanart.jpg)

Script is a script file, that will be executed after launching your addon from Kodi.


To install your addon you need to build it first. Here are possible make rules that you can do:

  • make - configure and build
  • make install - install addon to default Kodi directiory
  • make uninstall - remove addon from default Kodi directiory
  • make clean - clean build directory


Create your own executable Kodi addons.


Language:Shell 77.8%Language:Python 16.2%Language:Makefile 6.1%