funcool / clojurescript-unraveled

An open source book about ClojureScript

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make pdf on OSX howto

michahell opened this issue · comments

For any OSX user with outdated system ruby gem + X11:

brew install ruby
which gem # /usr/local/bin/gem
gem -v # 2.6.2. in my case
(sudo) gem install asciidoctor
which asciidoctor # returned binary path
make git # no errors
make pdf # warnings, and X11 install popup

good god, X11 again:

brew install Caskroom/cask/xquartz # completes without error
make pdf # completes without errors, though pops up invisible java thingy
open -a Preview dist/clojurescript-unraveled.pdf


Cool, we could add these instructions to the README for OS X users.

Added reference on the readme.

Updated build instructions for Mojave: #153