fumitoh / modelx

Use Python like a spreadsheet!

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Error with Interspatial Dependencies

mhumpher opened this issue · comments

I have a space that I use for inputs set up as references. I then have other spaces that have interdependent cell references. These spaces also depend on the input space and use its references. The issue that I'm getting is a error when I update the input references I get an error.
The error appears to be somewhat random. Once I ran the below script three times before getting the error and then on a fresh console the error appeared on the first run but not the second and then again on a third run.

Example Code:

import modelx as mx

model = mx.new_model("test")

inputs = model.new_space("Inputs")

inputs.a = 2
inputs.b = 3

calc = model.new_space("Pythagoras")

def pythagoras():
    return (Inputs.a ** 2 + Add.add2() ** 2) ** .5

calc2 = model.new_space("Add")

def add2():
    return Inputs.a + Inputs.b

calc.Inputs = inputs
calc.Add = calc2
calc2.Inputs = inputs

model.Inputs.a = 5


Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "<ipython-input-4-68bc2d796ba1>", line 1, in <module>
    runfile('**[removed]**/test.py', wdir='**[removed]**')

  File "C:\Anaconda3201910\lib\site-packages\spyder_kernels\customize\spydercustomize.py", line 827, in runfile
    execfile(filename, namespace)

  File "C:\Anaconda3201910\lib\site-packages\spyder_kernels\customize\spydercustomize.py", line 110, in execfile
    exec(compile(f.read(), filename, 'exec'), namespace)

  File "**[removed]**/test.py", line 34, in <module>
    model.Inputs.a = 5

  File "C:\Anaconda3201910\lib\site-packages\modelx\core\space.py", line 974, in __setattr__
    self._impl.set_attr(name, value, refmode="auto")

  File "C:\Anaconda3201910\lib\site-packages\modelx\core\space.py", line 1657, in set_attr
    self.spacemgr.change_ref(self, name, value, refmode)

  File "C:\Anaconda3201910\lib\site-packages\modelx\core\model.py", line 1245, in change_ref

  File "C:\Anaconda3201910\lib\site-packages\modelx\core\space.py", line 1798, in on_change_ref

  File "C:\Anaconda3201910\lib\site-packages\modelx\core\space.py", line 1815, in on_del_ref

  File "C:\Anaconda3201910\lib\site-packages\modelx\core\space.py", line 100, in del_item

  File "C:\Anaconda3201910\lib\site-packages\modelx\core\model.py", line 352, in clear_attr_referrers
    descs = self.tracegraph.remove_with_descs(node)

  File "C:\Anaconda3201910\lib\site-packages\modelx\core\model.py", line 61, in remove_with_descs
    desc = nx.descendants(self, source)

  File "C:\Anaconda3201910\lib\site-packages\networkx\algorithms\dag.py", line 71, in descendants
    raise nx.NetworkXError("The node %s is not in the graph." % source)

TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting

modelx = 0.13.1
networkx = 2.3

Thanks for the bug report. The fix will be reflected in the next release.

Thanks for the quick response. Tried out the change on my less trivial model and looks like its running smoothly again.

Just released v0.14.0 and this issue is fixed.