fumitoh / modelx

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model write: pickled pandas objects aren't backward competible, when updating pandas

alebaran opened this issue · comments

Not a big thing, but I have noticed that when I've upgraded pandas from 0.25.3 to 1.0.4, I wasn't able to load previously saved model versions. Object structure probably changed a bit and it wasn't loading correctly. I was able to reproduce the issue by using
pickle.dump( pd.DataFrame(['a','b'],index=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(((1,2,3),(2,4,5)))), open( "try", "wb" ) )
with the older version and
pickle.load(open(r'try', "rb"))
with the newer one.

Pandas itself provides pickling function, which seems to ensure backward compatibility. The following works:
with the older version and
with the newer one.

It would be nice to have to use native pandas pickling.

read_pickle seems to have exception handling for backward compatibility
This can't be fixed as DataFrames are not pickled individually in modelx

I guess they also rarely change the structure

This was rather a critical issue so I decided to fix it.