fumitoh / modelx

Use Python like a spreadsheet!

Home Page:https://modelx.io

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Version 0.24 and Python 3.12

alexeybaran opened this issue · comments

It looks like for our purpose v0.24 works well with Python 3.12. At the same time I see that v0.25 includes specific changes for Python 3.12. Are we missing something?

Note that we are struggling to make use of v0.25. We'll raise a separate issue about it.

This change is for models that have deep recursion. If your model doesn't have deep recursion, then it should work fine with Python 3.12 and modelx 0.24.

To use modelx 0.25, you may need to make manual changes to the model. (changing foo[] to foo(), foo.xxx to _space.foo.xxx inside formulas)

Here is an example how to apply changes.

Thank you!