fumito-ito / angularjs-barcodeScanner

An anglar.js wrapper around window.plugins.barcodeScanner for Phonegap/Cordova plugin

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Undefined and New version of scanner declaration

dparadox opened this issue · comments


I have a problem with the declaration of the factory, there is a problem for $digest already in progress.

Before You set deferred, You should check if $digest already in progress.

if(!$rootScope.$$phase ) {
//$digest or $apply

$rootScope.$apply( function () {

You have to declare scanner object like this:

var scanner = cordova.require("com.phonegap.plugins.barcodescanner.BarcodeScanner");

Thank you

I think I'm having the same issue. I'm not exactly sure how to fix it. @estebanlopezlumenup do you have a patch?