fulldecent / freescout-sidebar-webhook

Sidebar Webhook asynchronously injects HTML from your server into conversation sidebars

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FreeScout Sidebar Webhook

Sidebar Webhook asynchronously injects HTML from your server into conversation sidebars.

This screenshot shows what it does: you can load any content on a per-customer, per-message basis from your own web server, asynchronously, every time a conversation is loaded on the screen.

In this picture, the pink rectangle and happy faces were loaded from an external server based on the customer's email address.


Use cases

  • Directly link to your customer management system
  • Show details about order status live from your fulfillment system
  • Quickly ship changes to your FreeScout system UI without updating modules
  • Connect to backends using PHP/Node.js/Ruby/Perl/Rust/Go/Bash/Haskell and even Java


These instructions assume you installed FreeScout using the recommended process, the "one-click install" or the "interactive installation bash-script", and you are viewing this page using a macOS or Ubuntu system.

Other installations are possible, but not supported here.

  1. Download the latest release of FreeScout Sidebar Webhook.

  2. Unzip the file locally.

  3. Open SidebarWebhookServiceProvider.php using a code editor and change the value of WEBHOOK_URL to be your endpoint's secret URL.

  4. Copy the folder into your server using SFTP.

    scp -r ~/Desktop/freescout-sidebar-webhook root@freescout.example.com:/var/www/html/Modules/SidebarWebhook/
  5. SSH into the server and update permissions on that folder.

    chown -r www-data:www-data /var/www/html/Modules/SidebarWebhook/
  6. Access your admin modules page like https://freescout.example.com/modules/list.

  7. Find Sidebar Webhook and click ACTIVATE.

  8. Purchase a license code by sending USD 10 at https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/fulldecent/10usd

Your webhook server

Your webhook server will receive requests of type application/x-www-form-urlencoded (in PHP, access with $_POST)

    "customerEmail": "hello@example.com",
    "customerPhones": [],
    "conversationSubject": "Testing this email",
    "conversationType": "email",
    "mailboxId": 1,
    "csrfToken": "osnuthensuhtnoehu2398g3"

Your webhook server shall respond with a partial HTML document which is directly injected into the sidebar.

If your webhook server is on a different domain (e.g. crm.example.com) than your Free Scout server (e.g. freescout.example.com), then use like this HTTP header to avoid browser warnings/errors:

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://freescout.example.com

In PHP this can be acheived like:

header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://freescout.example.com');

Project scope

Our goal is to have a very simple module to allow vast extensibility in the conversation sidebar.

Anything that makes it simpler (removes unneded code) or more extensible for most people (adding a couple post parameters in boot()) will be a welcome improvement.

At this point, it is a non-goal to add friendly configuration of WEBHOOK_URL or other configuration options.


If something is not working, please try these steps so we can see what's wrong.

  1. Update FreeScout to the latest version (even if the new version doesn't have any relevant changes, the process of updating can sometimes fix problems that would prevent freescout-sidebar-webhook from running).
  2. Use chown -r to ensure the module has the same owner/permissions as other files in your FreeScout installation.
  3. Try to disable and reenable freescout-sidebare-webhook from your system/modules page.
  4. To confirm the module file is actually activated and readable you might add a line like this above the private const MODULE_NAME line. The code to add is: file_put_contents("/tmp/sidebartmp", "is running"); And then you can confirm it is running by seeing if that file is created when you load the page.
  5. Next check for system logs. It will be helpful to note any warnings, errors or notices as they may instruct where the problem is coming from.
  6. Check your PHP version, is it a version supported by FreeScout?

After you have checked all these things, please create an issue and detail how you tried each of these steps.



Sidebar Webhook asynchronously injects HTML from your server into conversation sidebars

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 72.0%Language:Blade 28.0%