fuldev / DL_project_5ibd

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Reinforcement learning project for 5IBD ESGI 2018-2019

This project aim to teach us reinforcement learning by implementing the popular RL models.


  • Better docstrings (understand '???' comments)
  • Better type hints (find type of 'Any' type hints)
  • Transform get methods in python property
  • Tests everything
  • Profile and rework heavy functions
    • WindJammersGameState.compute_current_score_and_end_game_more_efficient
    • WindJammersGameState.frisbee_hitplayer1
    • WindJammersGameState.frisbee_hitplayer2
  • Comments Windjamers game
  • Clean game_runner.py and reinforcement_battle.py

How to use ?

You have to use the reinforcement_battle.py in command line.

Example :

python -O reinforcement_battle.py Random Random TicTacToe 100 --no-gpu

Will run 100 games of TicTacToe with a Random agent vs another Random Agent on CPU

You can also give arguments to the agents or the game stats as a JSON like this, that's in fact the args for the constructor of the classes.

python -O reinforcement_battle.py Random DeepQlearning TicTacToe 100 --no-gpu --agent2_args='{"state_size": 9, "action_size": 9}'

Will run 100 games of TicTacToe with a Random agent vs a DeepQLearning agent on CPU, with the passed args for the agent2 aka the DeepQLearning agent

Everything is logged into a tf_logs for the Tensorflow logs, and in csv_logs for a custom CSV counter parts.


You can configure things in the reinforcement_ecosytem/config.py

Agent name and Game name should correspond to their class in the code, for example if you want to a random agent (you should use "Random"), just strip the "Agent" or "GameRunner" part of the class.

You can see all the couple of agents avaible with "--help"

If you want to print out debug stuff remove the -O flags for python

Avaiable game

For the moment there is :

  • TicTacToe
  • WindJammers


License:The Unlicense


Language:Python 100.0%