fulcrum-agile / fulcrum

An agile project planning tool

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Proposal for new design

jacob9elements opened this issue · comments

This a proposal for an improvement of the UI design of fulcrum. Sketch attached.


quite nice

2014-05-14 15:40 GMT+03:00 jacob9elements notifications@github.com:

Sketch attached

Vladimir Krylov

I am sorry, I had to blur sensitive data.

Wow! Nice job! That is really slick.

super! +1

I like it, feels a lot more clean!

@jacob9elements Do you have a fork, where you are working on a pull request with this design? I'll gladly help.

yes, I came here looking for ways to customize the look and feel. this screenshot suggests I may be duplicating effort if I spent time on it.

This looks great! I like it.

Guys, is the design coded? Otherwise I think I am going to jump on it when I have a bit of time.

@hakunin I am willing to do some pair programming with you on this feature if it is helpful.

@programmerq not sure if I could do realtime PP, but it would be great if you could review the code and the design itself. I take it the the design isn't coded yet so I'll start on it in the evenings.

Looks like @jacob9elements was working on his fork (last commit is from Jun 6): https://github.com/jacob9elements/fulcrum/tree/development

Thanks for pointing it out! I'll start there.

@hakunin, @programmerq I'd love to help you with design and coding

So i pulled all the commits from @jacob9elements from here:

to here:

but the design doesn't seem to be what it shows on the image above:

Plus there are some features like notifications and hover popovers with the task content I think I'll drop from the branch since I don't want to introduce too much new behaviour, just better design.

I pretty sure I cherry picket the correct commits, but the design doesn't correspond to the one proposed. If anyone cares to check the branch to see why, it would be helpful, otherwise I am going to spend some time on it later.

Maybe @sebastiandeutsch can help?

It would be great to see someone get this landed. We've had a couple of attempts at a redesign get in but it takes a bit of a concerted effort to get it over the line. I'd definitely recommend keeping the branch design only and not introducing any new features at the same time.

There is an endpoint at /testcard that should be useful for this. It is supposed to show all the various types of story view on one page to test UI changes, although I notice it is broken with a JS error at the moment. If I get a chance I'll try and fix it.

@hakunin I'll help from mid of september. I hope this is not too far away.

Hey guys, I've worked with @jacob9elements on the design, and we have a more recent iteration of the design for the tasks. I wasn't very happy with the first iteration, but please don't hesitate to give me some more feedback on this new version!
screen shot 2014-08-21 at 14 41 52

Thats very nice! Do you have a branch with the actual design, or is this an uncoded design?

I personally love pivotal because it can ft one task on one line so I would love to see a one liner version for desktop.

this is uncoded, would it help if I share the .sketch file?

I have to think about which way to go. Although I like both of yours designs. I think pivotal is great because of one liner tasks. I personally have a full screen of tasks on my 1440x900 and can't imagine having them 2-3 times taller.

Yeah the cards take up way more space, but for me personally it's worth it because it looks more organized. I think it's a matter of personal preferences, would the card layout be completely unusable for you? Or are you just so used to the one liners that it's hard to imagine cards atm?

@padschneider The design is nice, but I think that in general layout principles (like "tasks as one-liners"), Fulcrum should stay close to Pivotal.

It all depends on what the purpose of this project should be. Personally, I don't think it is necessary to maintain an exact clone of Pivotal, if the changes in the layout lead to a better user experience. There are exceptions to this in the free software world, for example Octave which is keeping MATLAB compatiblity for the reason that there are a lot of free MATLAB scripts that could not run in a free environment otherwise. Or LibreOffice, which is designed much like MS Office, in order to make it easy for non-technical people to deal with the software when they were used to MS Word before.

The users fulcrum is aimed at are developers, they're used to cope with changes, especially if they have a positive impact on their workflow. For the redesign I really wished that we free ourselves from dogmatic views and rather think about which advantages/disadvantages a change in the UI design would implicate, and how it would affect our workflow.

@padschneider i like the new design, it's much more readable. However, i'd personally keep some solutions from Pivotal, like owner's initials in the brackets, and keep tags above the task's content but make them smaller. It would save some space.

I like that icons are moved to the next line - i find having icons/buttons on both sides of ticket confusing and distracting. On the other hand, maybe it would be good to have most of these icons on hover, and leave status button, type of a task and number of points on one side of a ticket?

Here is a classic design branch / issue so we can debate the classic design there. #236