ful1e5 / onedark.nvim

Atom's iconic One Dark theme for Neovim, written in Lua

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Can't find the respective color group for the line numbers themselves

kqvanity opened this issue · comments


I've tried to find a way to change the colors of line numbers (not the vertical line number as a whole), but found none . The docs does mention that it can be addressed with their color group but there isn't any listing of any !
If there is a direct method to alter this very component, then that would do that job. However if there's a more encompassing thorough list of all the alterable colors groups / components then that would be much more convenient, for further customization .

You can override the LineNr and CursorLineNr highlight using the overrides property.

  overrides = function()
    return {
      LineNr = { bg = '#000000', fg = '#ffffff' }, -- Line number for ":number" and ":#" commands, and when 'number' or 'relativenumber' option is set.
      CursorLineNr = { bg = '#000000', fg = '#ffffff' }, -- Like LineNr when 'cursorline' or 'relativenumber' is set for the cursor line.


Hi, how can i change color for python local variables ?

Hi, how can i change color for python local variables ?

By overriding pythonTSVariable variable.

You can override the LineNr and CursorLineNr highlight using the overrides property.

  dev = true,
  overrides = function()
    return {
      pythonTSVariable = { bg = '#000000', fg = '#ffffff' },