fuhoi / android.arrowforgithub

A demostration app with a single recycler view, displaying public repositories for the Shopify organisation using the Github Developer API.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A demostration app with a single recycler view, displaying public repositories for the Shopify organisation using the Github Developer API.

The recycler view displays the following information:

  • Name
  • If it is a fork or not (Y/N)
  • Number of stargazers
  • Time since it was created
  • An interaction on the row which opens the user's browser to the repository's page


  • Solve the problem using Android (Kotlin preferred)
  • Retrofit
  • Back the recycler view with some type of cache or persistence layer
  • Use an architecture pattern

Architecture Pattern

The architectural pattern chosen was Model-View-Presenter (MVP) as a balance between separation of concerns, existing knowledge and speed to a minimum viable product.


3rd party libraries:

  • okhttp
  • retrofit
  • joda-time


  • gson
  • recyclerview
  • room

To Do

  • Rx - too much work is being done on the UI thread leading to some UI jank on the emulator when loading items
  • Dagger - at the moment injection is handled by an object that can be override for unit tests via product flavours
  • Clean - implement use cases and separate layers into data / domain / presentation
  • Unit tests
  • Developed for Pixel 2 API 27 - test for more devices / screen sizes / API levels



A demostration app with a single recycler view, displaying public repositories for the Shopify organisation using the Github Developer API.

License:MIT License


Language:Kotlin 100.0%