fudan-generative-vision / hallo

Hallo: Hierarchical Audio-Driven Visual Synthesis for Portrait Image Animation

Home Page:https://fudan-generative-vision.github.io/hallo/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

git clone https://huggingface.co/fudan-generative-ai/hallo fails with "smudge filter lfs failed"

rolux opened this issue · comments



!git lfs install
!git clone https://huggingface.co/fudan-generative-ai/hallo pretrained_models

fails with:

Updated git hooks.
Git LFS initialized.
Cloning into 'pretrained_models'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 61, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (57/57), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (51/51), done.
remote: Total 61 (delta 8), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 4 (from 1)
Unpacking objects: 100% (61/61), 17.38 KiB | 26.00 KiB/s, done.
Downloading hallo/net.pth (4.9 GB)
Error downloading object: hallo/net.pth (e886a96): Smudge error: Error downloading hallo/net.pth (e886a9610b71a0f05a4cc65b4eb5bf3cebabfc75b06f8818c40ac225e69a0015): expected OID e886a9610b71a0f05a4cc65b4eb5bf3cebabfc75b06f8818c40ac225e69a0015, got 974a61a7c6ef1748966794cfba0f2535831680593c781791e671f49dad3c7300 after 4850540707 bytes written

Errors logged to /content/drive/MyDrive/hallo/source/hallo/pretrained_models/.git/lfs/logs/20240620T194058.384401071.log
Use `git lfs logs last` to view the log.
error: external filter 'git-lfs filter-process' failed
fatal: hallo/net.pth: smudge filter lfs failed
warning: Clone succeeded, but checkout failed.
You can inspect what was checked out with 'git status'
and retry with 'git restore --source=HEAD :/'

Please try to download this model in another way. We are trying to deal with this problem.


Please try to download this model in another way. We are trying to deal with this problem.

Downloading the model manually works fine.

Fixed. Please check.