fuatakgun / eufy_security

Home Assistant integration to manage Eufy Security devices as cameras, home base stations, doorbells, motion and contact sensors.

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"Stop Live Stream over RTSP" service completely disables RTSP for that camera

butabi opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

eufy_security.stop_rtsp and camera.turn_off services both disable the rtsp configuration completely for that camera. That means other software that is using the rtsp stream (for example a NAS or a motionEye server) wont work any longer (or at least until the start_rtsp service has been called again)

I know that this uses the command device.set_rtsp_stream from bropats eufy-security-ws project, but i just wanted to let you know that this is not really the expected behaviour for that service in my opinion.

Expected behavior

I expected the services start_rtsp and stop_rtsp to only "wake" the camera to make it stream - not enable/disable the entire rtsp configuration

Thank you for your hard work, this really is a great integration!

I am sure this should not be the case, I can not test this myself as I am not recording RTSP into NAS myself, but there was another user who informed me that, it creates a one second glitch on NAS side, but not disabling it.

Please check this: #10 (comment)

Thanks for the quick reply!

You can verify it if you check the NAS(RTSP) Settings inside the Eufy App (i only have ios) - if i have the RTSP Stream enabled in there, then use the "stop" service -> now it is disabled (after app restart)

I have played a lot with the RTSP Stream Feature of my cameras - the built-in RTSP Stream if enabled will only be available once the camera wakes up because of motion detection (otherwise the battery would drain obviously)

If i start a P2P Stream manually in the app, the RTSP Stream still doesnt show anything - so i dont think there is a smooth way to trigger it manually (other than disable the RTSP Config and then enable it again - which might be causing the one second glitch you were linking to)

All i'm saying is, the stop_rtsp service might be a bit misleading for some people at the moment.

start_rtsp and stop_rtsp arenot designed and intented to disable RTSP feature, it was meant to be start/stop stream over RTSP.

On the other hand, if you had checked the comments from linked issue, when integration sends a stop_rtsp command, the recording can continue on user's storage, which should not happen if it is actually disabling RTSP at all, right?

I would say, let's move this issue to @bropat's eufy-security-client repository, what do you think?

I had updated the README accordingly, thanks for warning btw.

Thank you so much for creating the issue on the underlying project - to be honest, i'm not even sure if the expected behaviour can be triggered via the API, but maybe bropat can find out :)

Thank you so much for creating the issue on the underlying project - to be honest, i'm not even sure if the expected behaviour can be triggered via the API, but maybe bropat can find out :)

me too, on the other hand, set_rtsp_stream as TRUE can initiate the stream, which is not the case when you do this over the app. There is definitely something going on extra.

set_rtsp_stream as TRUE can initiate the stream, which is not the case when you do this over the app.

Sadly I don't think thats true. I just turned off rtsp in the app, turned it back on and the stream started to run for 3 minutes before the camera went back to sleep.

When its already on/configured and i use the start_rtsp service, nothing happens. Thats also why i'm seeing some people use a script that runs the stop and start in succession. At least that way (if the stop is only called when followed by a start) the RTSP feature is theoretically on all the time (except for that short 1-2sec outage between the stop and start), but it sounds very flaky to be honest :)

Understood, let's hope for the best from @bropat then

in new version, enabling RTSP is separated from RTSP stream thanks to @bropat.

thank you, i've been following the issue over there, can't wait to test it out :)

Tested locally, works fine, soon publish new version for both integration and add-on

updated both add-on and integration, please give it a try, YOU MUST UPDATE BOTH OF THEM.

#59 (comment)

Just did a quick test and it works great so far!

Thank you for the update!