fu-hsi / PMS

Arduino library for Plantower PMS x003 family sensors.

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sleep() does not stop fan

coelner opened this issue · comments

I use a PMS7003 and the sleep command does not stop the fan. If I short the SET pin to GND the fan stops.

I think that sleep() is not the problem, but communication with (to) PMS, and none commands works, I am right?
Just check wiring, baud rate and so on.
Depending on the module, it is not advisable to use TX/RX lines that are shared with USB (for programming).
For better understand your problem, more information is required:

  • module,
  • circuit,
  • code.
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include "PMS.h"

SoftwareSerial SerialPMS = SoftwareSerial(D1,D2);
PMS pms(SerialPMS);
PMS::DATA data;

void setup()
  Serial.begin(115200);   // GPIO1, GPIO3 (TX/RX pin on ESP-12E Development Board)
  SerialPMS.begin(9600);  // GPIO2 (D4 pin on ESP-12E Development Board)
  pms.passiveMode();    // Switch to passive mode

void loop()
  Serial.println("Waking up, wait 30 seconds for stable readings...");

  Serial.println("Send read request...");

  Serial.println("Wait max. 1 second for read...");
  if (pms.readUntil(data))
    Serial.print("PM 1.0 (ug/m3): ");

    Serial.print("PM 2.5 (ug/m3): ");

    Serial.print("PM 10.0 (ug/m3): ");
    Serial.println("No data.");

  Serial.println("Going to sleep for 60 seconds.");

I choosed the Advanced.ino and changed it to use Softwareserial. The PMS7003 uart module is connected via Pins D1 and D2 at a wemos D1 Mini.
This is the used one: https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/tr0AAOSwNDhb0t5k/s-l500.jpg

So, getting the values works fine.

You forgot to set the baud rate.

I do not think it is correct:
SerialPMS.begin(D1,D2); // GPIO2 (D4 pin on ESP-12E Development Board)

begin() require speed parameter, not pin numbers:

Read this:

And set proper baud rate to 9600 (PMS::BAUD_RATE).

Sorry, I fixed the sketch. ( I removed sketch and library to test others. Therefore I had to rewrite the sketch)

If still does't work, I recommend use another library which implement Serial functionality, like:

  • AltSoftSerial,
  • NeoSWSerial.

Ok, I have no time to test those libraries. Instead I use the original sketch with hardware serial. Even this does not stop the fan. The measuring and reporting works, at least I get values.

Both libraries doesn't work with the esp8266.
I tried again the original sketch which works. I'm currently on the latest trunk.
SoftwareSerial does not work, but the sleep command is send.

You can add:

If it doesn't help, you can always use dedicated PMS pin:

SET - Standby function, when pulled down the module does not send information over serial and goes into a low power state.

I could use those separate pins but it should be possible even with the softwareserial library. It is not very special at all, therefore must be somehow a solution.

I sniffed the traffic:

ssterm -b 9600 -o split /dev/ttyUSB0
42 4d e4 00 01 01 74 42  4d e2 00 00 01 71 40 4d  |BM....tBM....q@M|
e4 00 00 01 73 42 4d e4  00 01 01 74 42 9a e2 00  |....sBM....tB...|
00 01 71 40 4d e4 00 00  01 73                    |..q@M....s      |
  • wakeUp
  • requestRead
  • Sleep [but wrong leading '40']
  • WakeUp
  • Garbage [42 9a e2 00 00 01 71]
  • Sleep [but wrong leading '40']

I tried the espsoftwareserial

$ssterm -b 9600 -o split --rx-nl crlf /dev/ttyUSB0
42 4d e1 00 00 01 70 42  4d e4 00 01 01 74 42 4d  |BM....pBM....tBM|
e2 00 00 01 71 42 4d e4  00 00 01 73 00 00 42 4d  |....qBM....s..BM|
e1 00 00 01 70 42 4d e4  00 01 01 74 42 4d e2 00  |....pBM....tBM..|
00 01 71 42 4d e4 00 00  01 73 
  • passiveMode
  • WakeUp
  • requestRead
  • sleep
  • 00 00
  • passiveMode
  • wakeUp
  • requestRead
  • sleep
    It works with the sleep. Do you fill a issue at esp8266 git?

So now everything works? That's good.

I don't remember If I tested library with software serial implementation.
I use Hardware Serial always when possible.

My Station is online now and I can't modify it:

As I suggested, read this: #5 and replace all instances:

_stream->write(command, sizeof(command));


_stream->write(command, sizeof(command));

just in case. This command wait for transmit all bytes.

I will test it. But somehow the commands were changed if I used the native library.
I close the issue because it is not in your library.