ftomassetti / kanvas

A truly hackable editor: simple, lightweight, understandable

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Error trying to make use of example code in Kanvas article

dbenn opened this issue · comments


I'm experimenting with Kanvas, trying to reproduce the code from here:


Given the following Kotlin code:

import me.tomassetti.kanvas.BaseLanguageSupport
import me.tomassetti.kanvas.AntlrLexerFactory
import me.tomassetti.kanvas.ParserData
import me.tomassetti.kanvas.Kanvas
import me.tomassetti.kanvas.languageSupportRegistry
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.Lexer
import XParser
import XLexer
import com.strumenta.kolasu.model.Node

class KanvasEditorExpt {
   object langSupport : BaseLanguageSupport<Node>() {
       override val antlrLexerFactory: AntlrLexerFactory
           get() = object : AntlrLexerFactory {
               override fun create(code: String) : Lexer =
       override val parserData: ParserData?
           get() =
               ParserData(XParser.ruleNames, XParser.VOCABULARY, XParser._ATN)
   fun main(args: Array<String>) {
       languageSupportRegistry.register("X", langSupport)
       val kanvas = Kanvas()
       SwingUtilities.invokeLater {
           kanvas.addTab("My X", languageSupport = langSupport)

I see this error:

Object 'langSupport' is not abstract and does not implement abstract base class member public abstract val 
 parser: Parser<Node> defined in me.tomassetti.kanvas.BaseLanguageSupport

I built the .jar files below via Gradle:

I’ve cloned from GitHub and built what I think are the relevant libraries (note the versions):

  • kanvas-core-0.2.4.jar
  • kolasu-core-1.3.11.jar
  • rsyntaxtextarea-3.1.3.jar

I saw a different error before using BaseLanguageSupport<Node> instead of BaseLanguageSupport.

Note that with the following in Java:

class MyLanguageSupport extends BaseLanguageSupport<Node> {	

I see a slightly different Parser related error:

The type com.strumenta.kolasu.parsing.Parser cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files

I suspect I should be using something other than Node here, but I need more docs/examples.

A minimal complete example in GitHub including imports and dependencies would help.

Advice welcome. Thanks.

Apologies for what feels like a newbie error. I am only just beginning to work with Kotlin and gradle, and tend to work with Java and Ant mostly.

See also my post on the Strumenta Language Workbench forum re: this.
