fstxz / scene_tools

An editor plugin for Godot 4.2+ to help you with designing your levels and quick prototyping. It currently only supports asset placement.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Add option to randomly rotate on local Y axis

Smorty10 opened this issue · comments

It would be useful to have the option to randomly rotate the object on the local Y axis (rotating around the up vector of the surface below). This would have practical application in foliage- and Decal-placement, as it would result in more organically placed objects due to the randomness. Here a visual of what I mean by this exactly
After each placed object, the rotation should be randomized. In addition, it might also be useful to give the user the option to randomly rotate again when clicking the right mouse button while this random rotation mode is enabled. This way, if the randomized rotation is too similar to the objects placed around it, the user can quickly generate a new random rotation for the object being placed.

Yes, this is planned.

Done, but currently without an option to randomize again.