fstab / cifs

CIFS Flexvolume Plugin for Kubernetes

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Volume plugin dir

stiks opened this issue · comments

Basically volume plugin dir is not static, it depend on system itself. Some vendors may choose to change the directory due to various reasons. For example, GKE uses /home/kubernetes/flexvolume, and RKE uses /var/lib/kubelet/volumeplugins

User can find the correct directory by running ps aux|grep kubelet on the host and check the --volume-plugin-dir parameter. If there is none, the default /usr/libexec/kubernetes/kubelet-plugins/volume/exec/ will be used.

This is mainly FYI.

The mount point is passed as the 1st parameter when Kubernetes calls cifs mount. So the Flexvolume plugin does not need to know how the volume-plugin-dir is configured, it just takes the mount point from the parameter. The mount point is not hard-coded in the script.

Install instruction requires to know where to put cifs file. mkdir -p will create that folder, but cifs will not work.

Ah, I confused the volume plugin dir and the mount point. Thanks a lot for pointing this out and sorry for the confusion. I updated the README.