fsprojects / SwaggerProvider

F# generative Type Provider for Swagger

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string with format `date` is generated as `DateTimeOffset` but should be `DateOnly`

kMutagene opened this issue · comments


Hi there, thanks for this awesome library.

I have a ASP.NET core API that uses the DateOnly type for a field, which looks like this in the generated OpenAPI doc:

"ReleaseDate": {
    "type": "string",
    "format": "date"

From the docs of the OpenAPI spec, "format": "date" indicates:

full-date notation as defined by RFC 3339, section 5.6, for example, 2017-07-21

But the OpenAPI provider sets the field type as DateTimeOffset in the generated spec. This only works when parsing responses, but fails when posting data with this field to the API, because it cannot parse the provided string to DateOnly:

RequestBody: {"ReleaseDate":"2024-02-22T14:30:01.8849759+01:00"}
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.BadHttpRequestException: Failed to read parameter "d" from the request body as JSON.
---> System.Text.Json.JsonException: The JSON value could not be converted to System.DateOnly. Path: $.ReleaseDate | LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 154.

Is this happening because you also want to target netstandard2.0? IIRC DateOnly is available starting with net6.0.

Affected Type Providers

  • SwaggerClientProvider
  • OpenApiClientProvider (only used this one as my schema is OpenAPI v3.0)

Related information

  • Operating system: Win 11
  • .NET Runtime, CoreCLR or Mono Version: .NET 8

@Thorium thanks - that feels more like a workaround though, since the client generated by the provider creates API calls that are wrong according to the schema.

I have taken a look at the C# client that gets generated by NSwag for the same schema, and while they also use DateTimeOffset (which makes sense from a backwards compatibility perspective i guess), the client contains a customized serialization setting from the get-go:

    [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("NJsonSchema", " (NJsonSchema v11.0.0.0 (Newtonsoft.Json v13.0.0.0))")]
    internal class DateFormatConverter : Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.IsoDateTimeConverter
        public DateFormatConverter()
            DateTimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd";

which then decorates the fields that are marked via format: date. If you could point in the right direction in the source code, i would be happy to try to file a small PR that adds something similar automatically for these cases.

The offset (with time-zone) is a bit weird guy with "date" as there is no time-zone conversions and SwaggerProvider is a server-side tool where you'd expect everything to be UTC. If you want, you could do line 411 conditional compilation something like

| "date" ->

...but that could make the maintenance more complex than the real gain. Because the end-user may compile the same SwaggerProvider using source-code to multiple targets too, and then they would have to also do conditional compilations.

Type inference code (DefinitionCompiler.fs) runs in design-time, so netstandard2.1 assembly may be loaded by compiler/ide instead of loading netstandard2.0 and then TP will always emit DateOnly no matter what the target runtime for of the project that uses SwaggerProvider.

I am not sure if it is possible to conditionally check the target compilation runtime for the TP design-time component.

oh right it goes straight to the problem where VS Code runs on netstandard2.1 and VS full runs on netstandard 2.0