fsprojects / SwaggerProvider

F# generative Type Provider for Swagger

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Provider crashes having number at the end of created type name

xperiandri opened this issue · comments


I tried to declare type SambaSafetyQortaV1 = SwaggerProvider.OpenApiClientProvider<"v1.yaml">
And it fails with
FS3057 The type provider 'SwaggerProvider.OpenApiClientTypeProvider' returned an invalid type from 'ApplyStaticArguments'. A type with name 'SambaSafetyQortaV1' was expected, but a type with name 'SambaSafetyQortaV' was returned.

Repro steps

Declare type from type provider with a number at the end

Expected behavior

Type compiles

Actual behavior


Affected Type Providers

  • OpenApiClientProvider

Related information


@xperiandri can you share v1.yaml or smaller schema with the same error?

By the way it generates nothing from that file

Your schema contains external references, instead of real definitions.

    $ref: 'https://api.swaggerhub.com/domains/SambaSafety/Authorization/1.0#/components/token'
    $ref: 'https://api.swaggerhub.com/domains/SambaSafety/Authorization/1.0#/components/revokeToken'

Current TP does not support resolving and loading schema parts.

But why without 1 at the end it is just empty but not display any errors?

Next version(beta) will report proper error that such schemas are not supported