fsnotify / fsnotify

Cross-platform filesystem notifications for Go.

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User-space recursive watcher

nathany opened this issue · comments

@jbowtie requested this feature at howeyc/fsnotify#56.

Windows and FSEvents (OS X) can watch a directory tree, in fact FSEvents is built entirely for this purpose:

if you monitor a directory with FSEvents then the monitor is recursive; there is no non-recursive option - @samjacobson howeyc/fsnotify#54 (comment)

Ideally fsnotify would expose a way to use this functionality on Windows and Macs.

Unfortunately inotify (Linux, Android), kqueue (BSD, iOS), and FEN (Solaris) don't have this capability.

There is some debate as to whether or not fsnotify should include a user-space recursive watcher to make up the difference. If not, perhaps it can be implemented a separate wrapper or utility library. In any case, it's something often requested, so we should definitely be thinking about it.


In two parts:

  1. Walk subdirectories to Add (or Remove) watches for each directory:
    • To avoid watching too much, it may be important to (optionally?) skip hidden directories (.git, .hg).
    • My proposal to configure Ops filtering globally at the Watcher level (#7) simplifies recursive watching.
  2. Listen for incoming Create events to watch additional directories as they are created (again, avoiding hidden directories).

Godoc is a relatively small program. It is built from 102 packages built from 582 source files. We certainly want to be able to build programs larger than godoc. It appears that Linux inotify will let you watch individual directories for changes within that directory, so for godoc you are looking at a little over 102 inotify watches. For OS X, fsevents will let you watch whole subtrees, so for godoc built from 1 GOROOT and 1 GOPATH entry you are looking at 2 fsevents watches. For Microsoft Windows, FindFirstChangeNotification looks like it might be usable similar to fsevents. For Solaris, file event notifications (FEN) only apply to individual files or directories, and watching a directory inode does not appear to tell you about modifications made to files in that directory, so for godoc you are looking at almost 700 FEN watches. That might take a little while to set up, but assuming the kernel has no hard limits, it should be fine. Speaking of limits... For BSD (or OS X if you don't like fsevents), kqueue has the same "enumerate every file or directory" requirement as Solaris FEN, but you give them to the kernel not as file names but as file descriptors. It appears that the file descriptor must remain open while you are watching that file, so the per-process file descriptor limit imposes a limit on the number of things you can watch. Worse, the per-system file descriptor limit imposes a limit on the number of things anyone on the system can watch. The typical kernel limit on a BSD is only on the order of 10,000 file descriptors for the entire machine. - @rsc, https://groups.google.com/d/msg/golang-dev/bShm2sqbrTY/IR8eI20Su8EJ

  • The limits for FEN (Solaris) are high enough (#12) that a recursive watcher should be possible.
  • It's possible that kqueue (BSD, iOS) can't reasonably support a recursive watcher. For large trees, users may need to resort to Polling (#9) or another mechanism.

The question becomes then if we want to fallback to whatever is the most efficient way of doing subtree wachtes on an OS that succeeds, and if we want to tell the user that the fallback happened. Or if the user should be able to configure whether a fallback is allowed. The reason this might be handy is that a user might prefer to not have directory watching at all instead of polling, which might put too much stress on the system. Plainly telling the user that the feature is disabled or something.

I, for one, would absolutely love subtree watches, but understand the difficulties on getting it right for cross-platform.


Is the implementation in the https://github.com/xyproto/recwatch package correct, or are there issues? I ask because it looks as if this is a more subtle, tricky problem. cc @nathany @xyproto


It should work. Most of the tricky issues are with too many resources being consumed. Also, we would ideally take advantage of native recursive watching on the operating systems that support it.

Any update on this? It'd be great to have.

No update for fsnotify, but take a look at https://github.com/rjeczalik/notify as an alternative.

I use recwatch in algernon, which works great on Linux/Windows/OS X. The only gotcha is to watch out for OS limitations in how many files can be watched. Especially on OS X the ulimit is very low by default.

Rafal's notify library uses FSEvents on OS X instead of kqueue, so it doesn't have that problem on OS X.

FSEvents sounds like a good approach. The notify package has a few unresolved issues, though.

As does fsnotify.

Neither github.com/rjeczalik/notify nor recwatch place a watch on newly-added directories. This is fine if the directory structure is static, so for things like anomaly detection in a server environment or corporate asset.

I have a use case (github.com/unixist/cryptostalker) that aims to detect crypto ransom malware on end-user computers. In such an environment, directories are expected to come and go all the time.

Is there a potential for resource exhaustion that I'm unaware of, leading to this feature not being implemented more widely (and recursive at all for fsnotify)?

OK that might be a fluke in my testing since I created directories with mkdir -p. Still any comments welcome.

@unixist not sure what system you're on but I was able to get recwatch to work on OS X with no issues besides having to update it to use this fsnotify package instead of the old one hosted under a different user/org (although I didn't try mkdir -p). You can see the code I used here.

@landaire, I tore down my test system, but I'm thinking it was a premature post. Though I'm unsure what it was about the multiple directory creation that threw fsnotify for a loop.

I'd be interested to know what you find doing the mkdir -p test on your code.

Neither github.com/rjeczalik/notify nor recwatch place a watch on newly-added directories.

Could you provide test case that reproduces this? @rjeczalik's notify package should add new directories when watching recursively. It is a bug if it doesn't.

I tore down my test environment, but you can test by placing a watch on
$dir and then doing "mkdir -p $dir/foo/bar/baz". I tested this on OSX.
Maybe the underlying file system event handling differs by platform.

On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 12:07 AM, Pawel Knap notifications@github.com

Neither github.com/rjeczalik/notify nor recwatch place a watch on
newly-added directories.

Could you provide test case that reproduces this? @rjeczalik
https://github.com/rjeczalik's notify package should add new
directories when watching recursively. It is a bug if it doesn't.

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#18 (comment)

Maybe the underlying file system event handling differs by platform.

Yes, it does.

Hi. The fswatch may be a good place for fsnotify, especially for this issue. They state it has "no known limitations" on Solaris kernels (with FEN). I.e. also with recursive monitoring.

I would very much like to see this!

In case somebody needs this functionality, I've implemented a dir-watch which can be used. It essentially walks all the children and adds them.

Any updates on this?

Any updates?
This would help a lot with a project I'm working on.


In window7 and I use fsnotify, and find it does not to recursive watch as it says.

my dir:

I create a file in dd, no event generate.

fsnotify does not support recursive file watching at this time.

  • The fsnotify/fsevents project does support it on macOS, but that needs to be integrated with fsnotify (#11).
  • The underlying Windows systems support it, but that needs to be implemented (#21), but first Windows support should be cleaned up (#6)
  • fanotify on Linux kernel 5.1+ has recursive watching, but we first need a library that provides fanotify support (#114)

With those in place, we could then add a user-space recursive watcher for BSD (kqueue) and Solaris (FEN). That's what this issue is for, but it's still far off.

I dont see it mentioned yet, so I will note that this is already available with
other projects:


Example code:

package main
import (
func f_print(c_event chan watcher.Event) {
   for {
func main() {
   t_watch := watcher.New()
   go f_print(t_watch.Event)
   t_watch.Start(time.Millisecond * 400)

only difference I found so far is that radovskyb/watcher blocks by default, so
if you want to do something after you need:

go t_watch.Start(time.Millisecond * 400)
select {} // replace this with something else that blocks if you want

I dont see it mentioned yet, so I will note that this is already available with
other projects:


Example code:

package main
import (
func f_print(c_event chan watcher.Event) {
   for {
func main() {
   t_watch := watcher.New()
   go f_print(t_watch.Event)
   t_watch.Start(time.Millisecond * 400)

only difference I found so far is that radovskyb/watcher blocks by default, so
if you want to do something after you need:

go t_watch.Start(time.Millisecond * 400)
select {} // replace this with something else that blocks if you want

radovskyb/watcher does not use system event, but timed loop(not real-time). So it depends on your application situation.

Any updates to this recursive watcher implementation.

As another note on this, a good hold-over solution might be to just have a decent example of the workaround people can use in the mean time. There's this https://medium.com/@skdomino/watch-this-file-watching-in-go-5b5a247cf71f which is not terrible, but not great either (ignores errors, not packaged into usable struct, blocks the whole main func, etc.).

Obviously there will be edge cases and the various underlying problems will creep into it, but I'm assuming there is some ~75 line example that gives 90% of the functionality (specifically not worrying about trying to take advantage of the underlying OS'es native recursive watching capability if present) and would be really useful for those of us who are looking to implement recursive directory watching today. If I end up writing this example I'll post it here to show what I mean. If this could end up in an examples directory or in the wiki or something, I think it would help a lot, while not causing maintenance problems.

Could someone provides an example about how to work around this problem?

I want to watch the generated folders and files underneath by some tools.

I have made a little change ,it work orderly ,how about that

In case it's of interest to folks following here, we just created https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/cue-lang/cuelang.org@v0.0.0-20230505131944-cc11e9153697/internal/fsnotify. As the package documentation notes:

Package fsnotify is a light wrapper around github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify that allows for recursively watching directories, and provides a simple wrapper for batching events.

Note this is only availalable in the alpha branch for now:


I have not had great experience with recursive watcher implementations in the past, so one goal here was to establish good tests to cover edge cases.

Feedback welcome on the API.

Are there any other libraries that do the recursive watcher thing? Its sadly bit of a non starter for me without it (The tree being watched is kind of labrynth)

Are there any other libraries that do the recursive watcher thing? Its sadly bit of a non starter for me without it (The tree being watched is kind of labrynth)

If running on linux, try https://github.com/pablodz/inotifywaitgo was a workaround that I developed for this edge case

There is also https://github.com/rjeczalik/notify - still a potential project on my back-backlog to merge the two projects. Basically use fsnotify within notify for the underlying non-recursive watching. (Also for the avoidance of doubt: Back-backlog means unlikely to ever happen :) ).

It might be worth putting up a bit of notice on the front page as unfortunately its not really obvious that its not supported until it doesnt work, and I suspect 90% of use-cases would require that recursive watch (As in I cant imagine any usecases where it wouldnt be a requirement?),

edit: My bad, it is actually in the FAQ.