fsi-open / files

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Typed property must not be accessed before initialization

pawloaka opened this issue · comments

Hello again,

My User entity looks like this:

class User
    private int $id;

    private ?WebFile $cover;

    private string $coverPath;

    public function __construct(?WebFile $cover)
        $this->cover = $cover;

    public function setCover(?WebFile $cover): void
        $this->cover = $cover;

    public function getCover(): ?WebFile
        return $this->cover;

And controller which is suitable for creating user:

use FSi\Component\Files\Upload\FileFactory;
use FSi\Component\Files\UploadedWebFile;

class StartController extends AbstractController
    private FileFactory $fileFactory;

    public function __construct(FileFactory $fileFactory)
        $this->fileFactory = $fileFactory;
    public function __invoke(ServerRequestInterface $request): Response
        /** @var UploadedWebFile $file */
        $file = ...
        $book = new User($file);
        return $this->json([]);

After going to the url of this controller, I get the following error:

Typed property App\User::$coverPath must not be accessed before initialization

What could be wrong?
Thanks in advance!

The class properties are accessed via reflection and you do not have a default value for yours. This will cause an exception in PHP 7.4, so you need to make both cover and coverPath nullable and with a default null, like so.

    private ?WebFile $cover = null;
    private ?string $coverPath = null;

Thanks 👍