fsi-open / datasource-bundle

Main purpose of this bundle is to register FSi DataSource Component service and twig datasource rendering functions

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Symfony fragment rendering

stanislavprokopov opened this issue · comments

If you try to render a fragment {{ render(controller('Demo:Default:list') }}, that renders a data-source with pagination, you will receive an error:
An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("None of the routers in the chain matched url '/_fragment'")
The problem is in FSi\Bundle\DataSourceBundle\Twig\Extension\DataSourceExtension.
The method getCurrentRoute tries to match _fragment and fails.

@chives ping

As @stanislavprokopov said its not possibile to use datasource twig extensions when controller is embedded in template.
IMHO https://github.com/fsi-open/datasource-bundle/blob/master/Twig/Extension/DataSourceExtension.php#L354 is the main problem because datasource cant depend on current url. Even if user will pass router through twig function options the exception will still be throwen.

I think that this could be solved using RequestStack from Symfony 2.4 . Before Symfony 2.4 we can modify widgets that they will not call getCurrentRequest() in case of passing custom route option.

@stanislavprokopov #20 should do the job. This feature is available from version 1.1 of datasource-bundle.