frutik / awesome-search

Awesome Search - this is all about the (e-commerce, but not only) search and its awesomeness

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sandbox Dec 2020

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why the smartSuggest module might matter to you

Guide the user during the search formulation process to facilitate accurate data entry, encourage exploratory search and boost product discovery.

Query Segmentation and Spelling Correction

ELMo Embedding — The Entire Intent of a Query

Search to Search recommendations (Collaborative Synonym and Spell corrections)

What is Search in the Omnichannel?

Using approximate nearest neighbor search in real world applications

GPT-3: Demos, Use-cases, Implications

Roles in a Data Team

Different roles in a data team and their responsibilities

Search Product Management: The Most Misunderstood Role in Search?

Improving search relevance with data-driven query optimization

Using Behavioral Data to Improve Search

Search Product Manager: Software PM vs. Enterprise PM or What does that * PM do?

Analyzing online search relevance metrics with the Elastic Stack

Introducing txtai, an AI-powered search engine built on Transformers

Add Natural Language Understanding to any application

Best Practices for Enterprise Search User Experience (UX)

The Annual Search Shootout – Testing strategy on 2019’s topics

Three Pillars of Search Relevancy. Part 1: Findability

Use Site Search to Optimize Your Customer Journey

Largely, it remains, the neglected stepchild of e-commerce optimization. Site-search optimization has the potential to catapult your customer journey strategy to a new level.

Weighted Quality Score for Ads, Feed, and Search

This is a practical guide for engineers and product managers about how to combine multiple definitions of item quality to form a “pretty good” overall score of quality using a simple linear model. This isn’t the best or optimal way to optimize user experience, but it’s easy to implement, understand, extend, is generally applicable to virtually any product, and is time-tested in industry.

Unsupervised Attribute Extraction for Online Listings

I will talk about my project on developing an unsupervised approach to extract attributes from online listings, done in collaboration with OLX Group, part of Prosus. The OLX Group operates a network of online trading platforms in over 40 countries, building market leading classifieds marketplaces that empower millions of people to buy, sell, and create prosperity in local communities.

NLP: All the Features. Every Feature That Can Be Extracted From the Text

I will be sharing all the possible NLP features that you can extract from unstructured texts for using in downstream tasks. I also list the python libraries I prefer to use for computing these features.

Search (Pt 2) — A Semantic Horse Race

Cutting edge NLP vs traditional search

Billion-scale semantic similarity search with FAISS+SBERT

Building the prototype for an intelligent search engine

Visualizing 100,000 Amazon Products

Fast sentence embeddings (fse) enables you to compute sentence embeddings for millions of reviews in only a few minutes.

Query Understanding: An efficient way how to deal with long tail queries

Our data shows that when people search for a certain product, most of them use roughly 1.5 words. These short queries unfortunately make it hard for full-text search to offer them relevant results. While there is improvement to be found in using filters, there are often so many that it can be confusing. One of the ways to make searching more effective is to use the ‘learning to rank’ approach, which creates an optimal ranking of results. However, even this machine-learning method is not all-mighty – and that’s why we’ve come up with Query Understanding, a great companion to ‘learning to rank’.

Search Optimization 101 – How do you fix a broken search?

Testing Search for Relevancy and Precision

Despite the fact that site search often receives the most traffic, it’s also the place where the user experience designer bears the least influence. Few tools exist to appraise the quality of the search experience, much less strategize ways to improve it. When it comes to site search, user experience designers are often sidelined like the single person at an old flame’s wedding: Everything seems to be moving along without you, and if you slipped out halfway through, chances are no one would notice. But relevancy testing and precision testing offer hope.


Testing Search

Assumptions About User Search Behavior

How not to use BERT for Document Ranking

BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) turned 2 years a few days ago, and since its introduction it has been a revolution for Search and Information Retrieval. It has drastically improved the accuracy on many different information seeking tasks, be it answering questions or ranking documents, far beyond what was thought possible just a few years ago. In this blog post I’ll give an quick overview of how to evaluate search ranking models using well established relevancy datasets and how to achieve terrible ranking results using BERT in a way it was not meant to be used with a few good pointers on how to successfully apply BERT for ranking.

“Avacado” or Avocado?

A simple search query correction heuristic for the resource-constrained

10-step checklist to build a great search