frost-nzcr4 / celery_zabbix

Sends task execution metrics to Zabbix

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Sends task execution metrics to Zabbix: how many tasks were started and have completed successfully or with failure, and how many tasks are still in the queues (supported only for broker redis). Tested against Zabbix-3.0.

Inspired by


  • Run bin/celery zabbix --zabbix-nodename --zabbix-server (Alternatively you can pass --zabbix-agent-config=/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf, then the values for server+nodename will be read from there.)
  • Import the corresponding Zabbix Template to set up the matching items.


The following items will be sent every 60 seconds (pass --dump-interval=x to configure):

  • celery.task.started
  • celery.task.succeeded (with trigger > {$WARN_TASKS_FAILED})
  • celery.task.failed
  • celery.task.retried

These are counted from the time the monitoring process started, so you'll need to process them as delta on the Zabbix server.

  • celery.task.queuetime (only if task_send_sent_event is enabled)
  • celery.task.runtime

These are the median values and use the item type "Numeric (float)".

Queue lengths

If you pass --queuelength-interval=x then every x seconds the queue lengths will be checked (NOTE: this only works with redis as the broker), and the following items will also be sent:

  • celery.queue[myqueuename]

These are gauge values, i.e. they contain the length as it was retrieved each time, so they can go up and down.


This is an auto-discovery item, together with the Zabbix Template this will create an item and trigger for each queue. On your host, create macros of the form {$WARN_QUEUE_LENGTH:myqueuename} to determine the trigger threshold.

Run tests

Using tox and py.test. Maybe install tox (e.g. via pip install tox) and then simply run tox.


Sends task execution metrics to Zabbix



Language:Python 100.0%