FronterAS / puppet-supervisor

This module installs the 'supervisor' package available on Debian, and enables you to set up programs to run under supervisor. It is very basic and supports only a tiny subset of supervisor's functionality for the moment.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This module installs the 'supervisor' package available on Debian, and enables you to set up programs to run under supervisor. It is very basic and supports only a tiny subset of supervisor's functionality for the moment.


include supervisor

supervisor::program {'testservice':
    ensure  => present,
    command => '/opt/testservice/',
    require => Vcsrepo['testservice'],

vcsrepo {'testservice':
    path     => '/opt/testservice',
    provider => 'git',
    source   => '',
    revision => 'master',
    ensure   => latest,
    notify   => Supervisor::Service['testservice'],





This module installs the 'supervisor' package available on Debian, and enables you to set up programs to run under supervisor. It is very basic and supports only a tiny subset of supervisor's functionality for the moment.