fritzsedlazeck / SURVIVOR

Toolset for SV simulation, comparison and filtering

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convertAssemblytics and vcftobed issue

vmukhina opened this issue · comments

Hi, I am trying to compare SVs obtained from assembly and mapping approaches and use survivor to switch from Assemblytics_structural_variants.bed to .vcf and then to the .bedpe format.
SURVIVOR is the only tool I've found that can translate and compare SVs and it works, thank you, I use it a lot.
However, I found that assemblytics tandem expansions are translated in a very strange way. For example, this variant
hpv16 1 6148 Assemblytics_b_3972 15093 + Tandem_expansion -6147 8946 tig00004375:14589-23535:+ between_alignments

was transformed into the vcf record
hpv16 1 Assemblytics_b_3972 N <INS> . LowQual IMPRECISE;SVTYPE=INS;SVMETHOD=Assemblytics;CHR2=hpv16;END=21241;SVLEN=21240;PE=1 GT 1/1
and then into
hpv16 2 2 hpv16 21242 21242 Assemblytics_b_3972 , + - INS
in bedpe notation,
where chr2 coordinate is located outside of the actual chromosome length (~8kb).
I am not sure whether we can translate tandem expansions into vcf in a way that allows us to compare them to sniffles SV's, but this one definitely wouldn't match anyway.