freqtrade / technical

Various indicators developed or collected for the Freqtrade

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Using timeperiod in VWMA

straj-granicy opened this issue · comments

I found interesting strategy on TradingView
One of the indicators in VWMA.
In this strategy 2 VWMA been used. One with length 13, the other is with the lenght 62.
This indicator is implemeneted in Freqtrade.
Basically I'm trying to do this

from technical.indicators import vwma

def populate_indicators(self, dataframe: DataFrame, metadata: dict) -> DataFrame:

    dataframe['vwma13'] = vwma (dataframe, timeperiod=13)
    dataframe['vwma62'] = vwma (dataframe, timeperiod=62)

When backtesting, I've got the following error

dataframe['vwma13'] = vwma (dataframe, length=13)
TypeError: vwma() got an unexpected keyword argument 'timeperiod'
I thought that we can choose the length of VWMA, as we can do for example with EMA
dataframe['ema3'] = ta.EMA(dataframe, timeperiod=3)

Or my thougths are completely wrong?

The correct parameter for vwma's timeperiod is is window, not timeperiod.

def vwma(df, window):
return (df["close"] * df["volume"]).rolling(window).sum() / df.volume.rolling(window).sum()

I'd recommend using a editor with code-completion setup (pycharm / vscode) - which will give you code completion, as well as hints as to what possible parameters are (many indicators don't have just 1 parameter, but 3 or 4).