frenchbeard / docker-ferdi

Run ferdi in a container.

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Ferdi running in a docker container

Packages ferdi 5.6.0-beta.5 in a docker container, to be run on your desktop, but still isolated.


Requires xhost (and docker, obviously) installed.

# Retrieve and build container
git clone
cd docker-ferdi

# Allow local non-network connection to X server
xhost +local:

# Run it using your existing profile
make run


In addition to a functioning Docker installed, this container requires you to have xhost installed to be properly run. In addition, having make available (as you should on most GNU/Linux systems).

Tested on Archlinux, running Docker 20.10.2.


The provided Makefile helps run it through predefined targets :

[user@host](docker-ferdi)$ make help
Usage :
make build - build the ferdi image
make build_nocache - build the ferdi image, ignoring cache
make init - creates required profile folder, Docker volume as well as authorizes X acces
make logs - view logs
make purge - stop and remove the container
make quickstart - start ferdi with current user's profile
make release - release the latest build on docker hub
make stop - stop ferdi
make shell - start ferdi container, and drops in a shell (without running ferdi)
make tag_latest - tag the latest build "latest"

If you prefer, you can simply copy the desired targets content, alias it in your configuration for example.


The default target builds the image, as $USER/ferdi:5.6.0-beta.5.

[user@host](docker-ferdi)$ make
docker build -t user/ferdi:5.6.0-beta.5 --rm .
Sending build context to Docker daemon  159.8MB
Step 1/14 : FROM ubuntu:20.04
 ---> 2a4d239ad3cc
Successfully built b89c3ede67db
Successfully tagged user/ferdi:5.6.0-beta.5

The cache can also be ignored, using target build_nocache.


Running this container by itself only allows it to display to a non-existent Xorg server, within the container itself.

The run target makes the required changes for current user :

  • create $HOME/.config/Ferdi, if required
  • allow local X server connection through the UNIX socket (through xhost)

It then runs the container, with the following options.

[user@host](docker-ferdi)$ make run
Configuring xhost...
xhost +local:
Starting ferdi container...
docker run --rm -d \
    -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
    -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
    -e DISPLAY=:0 \
    --device /dev/snd \
    --device /dev/dri \
    -v "/home/user/.config/Ferdi:/home/ferdi/.config/Ferdi"  \
    -v "/home/user/.Xauthority:/home/ferdi/.Xauthority" \
    --ipc="host" \
    --name ferdi \

Options details



The logs target allows you to display running container logs.

[user@host](docker-ferdi)$ make logs
(ferdi:1): libappindicator-WARNING **: 05:01:49.068: Unable to get the session bus: Unknown or unsupported transport “disabled” for address “disabled:”

(ferdi:1): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: 05:01:49.068: Unable to get session bus: Unknown or unsupported transport “disabled” for address “disabled:”
Starting local server on port 45569
info: serving app on
^Cmake: *** [Makefile:103: logs] Interrupt

The shell target allows you to drop in a shell, without running ferdi.

[user@host](docker-ferdi)$ make shell
make shell
Starting ferdi container...
docker run -it \
	-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
	-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
	-e DISPLAY=:0 \
	--device /dev/snd \
	--device /dev/dri \
	-v "/home/user/.Xauthority:/home/ferdi/.Xauthority" \
	-v  "/home/user/.config/Ferdi:/home/ferdi/.config/Ferdi"  \
	--ipc="host" \
	--name ferdi \
	user/ferdi:5.6.0-beta.5 bash

Why ?

Because we can, obviously. Still, even though service hibernation helps reduce memory usage, it dœsn’t prevent it from going overboard sometimes. Here you can simply limit it in your run command, through the -m option.

Feel free to add the required configuration to the Makefile.



Run ferdi in a container.


Language:Makefile 57.0%Language:Dockerfile 43.0%