fregu856 / TSRT10_sim

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Ubuntu 16.04.1
ROS Kinetic

Reset the ROS IP addresses:

  • Make sure that the lines with ROS_MASTER_URI and ROS_HOSTNAME in ~/.bashrc looks as below:
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311
export ROS_HOSTNAME=localhost
  • $ source ~/.bashrc

Create a catkin workspace:

  • $ cd TSRT10_sim
  • $ mkdir catkin_ws
  • $ cd catkin_ws
  • $ mkdir src
  • $ catkin_make
  • Add "source ~/TSRT10_sim/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash" to the bottom of ~/.bashrc ($ sudo nano ~/.bashrc to edit, we do this for this line to be run everytime we open the terminal, otherwise we'd have to do it manually)
  • $ source ~/TSRT10_sim/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

Create a package in the workspace:

  • $ cd ~/TSRT10_sim/catkin_ws/src
  • $ catkin_create_pkg Balrog std_msgs roscpp rospy
  • $ cd ~/TSRT10_sim/catkin_ws
  • $ catkin_make

Create a python_scripts directory in the package:

  • $ cd ~/TSRT10_sim/catkin_ws/src/Balrog
  • $ mkdir python_scripts

Every python script that you write (and place in python_scripts) must be made executable:

  • $ chmod a+x
    You should also build the package:
  • $ cd ~/TSRT10_sim/catkin_ws
  • $ catkin_make

Simulation in Gazebo:

  • $ cd ~/TSRT10_sim/catkin_ws/src
  • $ git clone
  • $ cd ~/TSRT10_sim/catkin_ws
  • $ catkin_make
  • Add "export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=~/TSRT10_sim/catkin_ws/src/asl_turtlebot/models" to the bottom of ~/.bashrc ($ sudo nano ~/.bashrc to edit, we do this for this line to be run everytime we open the terminal, otherwise we'd have to do it manually)
  • $ export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=~/TSRT10_sim/catkin_ws/src/asl_turtlebot/models

Test the simulation:

  • $ roslaunch asl_turtlebot turtlebot_sim.launch

If this doesn't work, open another terminal and do this FIRST:

  • $ rosrun gazebo_ros gzclient

Run a test controller to check that everything is working:

  • Place "" in ~/TSRT10_sim/catkin_ws/src/Balrog/python_scripts, make it executable and build the package.
  • $ roslaunch asl_turtlebot turtlebot_sim.launch
  • $ rosrun Balrog (in another terminal)
  • The robot should now move to the coordinate (1, 1).

Simulate the robot in the TSRT10 test area:

  • Create a launch directory in ~/TSRT10_sim/catkin_ws/src/Balrog.
  • Place the file Balrog_launch.launch in the launch directory.

Test area:

  • The square is 8x8 meters.
  • All obstacles are 1x1 meter squares.

Run the AA274 project code:
Create a directory called "launch" in catkin_ws/src/turtlebot_control
Place "AA274_project.launch" in catkin_ws/src/turtlebot_control/launch
$ roslaunch asl_turtlebot turtlebot_project_sim.launch
$ roslaunch turtlebot_control AA274_project.launch
$ rosrun turtlebot_control

$ roslaunch kobuki_keyop keyop.launch

Launch the modified maze ( and Gmapping:
$ roslaunch asl_turtlebot turtlebot_maze.launch



Language:Makefile 37.0%Language:CMake 28.4%Language:Python 17.7%Language:C++ 8.7%Language:C 5.6%Language:Shell 2.7%