freearhey / iptv-checker

Node.js CLI tool for checking links in IPTV playlists

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Is testing RTP streams possible?

sbeu opened this issue · comments

I have an m3u file with RTP streams links. When I execute, the output is:

iptv-checker testliste.m3u

Total: 0
Online: 0
Offline: 0
Duplicates: 0

Here is my m3u file:


Note that the streams are on a private network.

My questions:

  1. Is the list badly formatted? I created it from VLC
  2. Are RTP streams supported?

Thank you

Thank you for pointing that out. Indeed earlier all links that had a protocol other than http and https were filtered out.

I have already changed this and in v0.19.0 other protocols should also pass all tests including rtp.