freddong / kafka-monitoring-stack-docker-compose

This project provides Docker compose files to deploy an Apache Kafka platform with a monitoring stack using Prometheus and Grafana

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Kafka Monitoring Stack for Docker Compose (Prometheus / Grafana) GitHub issues GitHub Repo stars

This repository demonstrates how to use Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring an Apache Kafka cluster.



$ ./up -h

      ____        __           _____ __                            _
     / __ \____ _/ /_____ _   / ___// /_________  ____ _____ ___  (_)___  ____ _
    / / / / __ `/ __/ __ `/   \__ \/ __/ ___/ _ \/ __ `/ __ `__ \/ / __ \/ __ `/
   / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ /_/ /   ___/ / /_/ /  /  __/ /_/ / / / / / / / / / / /_/ /
  /_____/\__,_/\__/\__,_/   /____/\__/_/   \___/\__,_/_/ /_/ /_/_/_/ /_/\__, /

 Powered by Apache Kafka!

Usage: ./up [options]
	 -n <[NAME]>      	: Name of the stack to deploy (required)
	 -s <[SERVICE]>   	: Service names to deploy (run all services if empty)
	 -h               	: Print this Help.

The table below lists the available docker-compose stacks:

NAME (./up -n <NAME>)              |	FILE (docker compose -f <FILE> up -d)
zk-kafka-multiple-nodes-sasl       |	zk-kafka-multiple-nodes-sasl-stack.yml
zk-kafka-multiple-nodes            |	zk-kafka-multiple-nodes-stack.yml
zk-kafka-single-node-full          |	zk-kafka-single-node-full-stack.yml
zk-kafka-single-node-sasl          |	zk-kafka-single-node-sasl-stack.yml
zk-kafka-single-node               |	zk-kafka-single-node-stack.yml
zkless-kafka-multiple-nodes        |	zkless-kafka-multiple-nodes-stack.yml


To deploy a Kafka Cluster (Kraft)

$ ./up -n zkless-kafka-multiple-nodes

Getting Started

1. Clone the Kafka Monitoring Suite repository.

$ git clone
$ cd kafka-monitoring-stack-docker-compose

2. Start Confluent/Kafka cluster.

Deploy one of the provided docker-compose stack:

Note: Depending on your network speed, this may take few minutes to download all images.

Single Zookeeper/Kafka with Prometheus/Grafana

Start/Stop with:

$ ./
$ ./

# or directly
$ docker-compose -f zk-kafka-single-node-stack.yml up -d
$ docker-compose -f zk-kafka-single-node-stack.yml down

Single Zookeeper / Multiple Kafka with Prometheus/Grafana

$ docker-compose -f zk-kafka-multiple-nodes-stack.yml up -d
$ docker-compose -f zk-kafka-multiple-nodes-stack.yml down

Single Zookeeper/Kafka with Prometheus/Grafana (SASL/PLAINTEXT)

$ ./
$ ./

Single Zookeeper / Multiple Kafka with Prometheus/Grafana (SASL/PLAINTEXT)

$ docker-compose -f  zk-kafka-multiple-nodes-sasl-stack.yml up -d
$ docker-compose -f  zk-kafka-multiple-nodes-sasl-stack.yml down

Full Stack (single node Kafka Cluster)

Start/Stop with:

$ ./
$ ./

# or directly
$ docker-compose -f  zk-kafka-single-node-full-stack.yml up -d
$ docker-compose -f  zk-kafka-single-node-full-stack.yml down

3. Create Topic.

Create demo-topic with 6 partitions and 3 replicas.

$ docker exec -it kafka101 \
kafka-topics \
--create \
--partitions 6 \
--replication-factor 3 \
--topic demo-topic \
--bootstrap-server kafka101:29092

4. Produce messages.

Open a new terminal window, generate some message to simulate producer load.

$ docker exec -it kafka101 \
kafka-producer-perf-test \
--throughput 500 \
--num-records 100000000 \
--topic demo-topic \
--record-size 100 \
--producer-props bootstrap.servers=kafka101:29092

5. Consume messages.

Open a new terminal window, generate some message to simulate consumer load.

$ docker exec -it kafka101 \
kafka-consumer-perf-test \
--messages 100000000 \
--timeout 1000000 \
--topic demo-topic \
--reporting-interval 1000 \
--show-detailed-stats \
--bootstrap-server kafka101:29092

6. Open Grafana.

Open your favorite web browser and open one of the provided Grafana dashboards :

  • Kafka Cluster / Global Health Check


  • Kafka Cluster / Performance


  • Kafka Cluster / Zookeeper Connections

  • Kafka Cluster / JVM & OS

  • Kafka Cluster / Hard disk usage

  • Kafka Cluster / Topic Logs


Accessing Grafana Web UI

Grafana is accessible at the address : http://localhost:3000

Security are :

  • user : admin

  • password : kafka

Accessing Prometheus Web UI

Prometheus is accessible at the address : http://localhost:9090

💡 Contributions

Any feedback, bug reports and PRs are greatly appreciated!

🙏 Show your support

Please ⭐ this repository to support us!


This code base is available under the Apache License, version 2.


This project provides Docker compose files to deploy an Apache Kafka platform with a monitoring stack using Prometheus and Grafana

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Shell 100.0%