frdteknikelektro / MMM-SimpleLogo

MagicMirror Modules Simple Logo

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[Feature Request] Automatic refresh of image when change is detected

ElYoM opened this issue · comments



I am currently using your module and I was wondering if it was possible to implement an automatic image refresh system when a change is detected or after a configurable delay? I ask for this because I generate an image of the sunshine of the Earth using Xplanet every 2 minutes and then I display it using your module and I really want these changes to appear automatically without having to restart the entire MagicMirror application.

Thank you in advance.

Hi! Wow, that's awesome, could you show module config in you config js for simple-logo module?
I interested in fileUrl config, what url did you provide?


Hello, I have not modified the configuration options of the module, it is the default options that are used. I just generate an image of the Earth with Xplanet every two minutes and this image is saved instead of the module's logo.png file. ;)

{ module: 'MMM-SimpleLogo', position: 'middle_center', // This can be any of the regions. config: { // The config property is optional. // See 'Configuration options' for more information. fileUrl: 'modules/MMM-SimpleLogo/public/logo.png', width: '600px', position: 'center', } },

So you just save the picture in folder 'modules/MMM-SimpleLogo/public' and save it with name 'logo.png'?
Are you generate the image of the Earth automatically?


Yes, this is right. Xplanet automatically generates a new image every two minutes and overwrites the logo.png file located in the 'modules / MMM-SimpleLogo / public' directory. Do you think it is possible to add an automatic refresh mechanism of the image file ?

Yes, of course, it's possible, let me notify you if the patch is done.


Awesome ! Thank you very much.

Check this out v1.1.0.

Your project is awesome, you should do a time-lapse video! Please post your project when you're done! and let me notified


Excellent work ! Thank you for everything. I will test these changes and I will come back to you in case of bug finds. I will try to make a time-lapse video of the final render.