franziskuskiefer / hpke-rs

Pure Rust implementation of HPKE (

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Test failures on GitHub macOS actions

sayrer opened this issue · comments



This unwrap is failing on GitHub's macOS CI, but not on my local Mac. The tests pass on Linux and Windows in CI.

Thanks for the report @sayrer ! I suspect that the issue is that the GH macOS CI machines don't have the necessary CPU instructions to use the evercrypt AES implementation. Can you try to add the "rust-crypto" feature? This pulls in the RustCrypto AES implementation as fallback for CPUs that are not supported by evercrypt at this point.


Yep, that was it, thanks.


Nice! I assumed they were using some old Macs and just enabled the fallback for GH actions but never looked into the actual hardware they are using.