franktank / raft

Using raft consensus algorithm in iOS application

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


franktank opened this issue · comments

  • Request Vote RPC
    • Request / Response
    • Read / look at pseudocode
    • Conditions to step down / grant vote
    • Track when each variable is supposed to be modified
  • Follower, Candidate, Leader
    • In design process, think about how to separate each role
  • Make sure role is candidate before granting to leader
  • How to cancel an election? -> use role idea? -> read more into it

For example, if you have already voted in the current term, and an incoming RequestVote RPC has a higher term that you, you should first step down and adopt their term (thereby resetting votedFor), and then handle the RPC, which will result in you granting the vote!