frankiesardo / icepick

Android Instance State made easy

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Android save automatilcaly InstanceState not working

pishguy opened this issue · comments

I'm using this library on my project and i try to save InstanceState automatically by that, but after change phone state, i cant get data from savedInstance and put it on List as data

My custom bundler:

public class SimCardsBundler implements Bundler<SimCardLists> {
    public void put(String s, SimCardLists example, Bundle bundle) {
        bundle.putParcelable(s, Parcels.wrap(example));

    public SimCardLists get(String s, Bundle bundle) {
        return Parcels.unwrap(bundle.getParcelable(s));

Simcard's Model:

public class SimCardLists extends RealmObject {

    private String ID;
    private String Number;
    private String Price;
    private String Date;
    private String Status;
    private String Cat;
    private String SalesName;
    private String TransID;
    private String SalesDate;
    private String SalesTime;
    private String SalesSuccess;

    public SimCardLists() {

    /* SETTER and GETTES*/

My activity to use that:

public class ActivityMain extends AppCompatActivity {

    SimCardLists simCards;

    RecyclerView simcardListItems;

    TextView filter_by;

    Toolbar toolbar;

    private Context            context;
    private ActivityMain       activity;
    private Realm              realm;
    private Handler            handler;
    private List<SimCardLists> simcardLists;
    private SimCardListAdapter adapter;
    private ProgressDialog     progressDialog;
    private List<SimCardLists> simLists;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        Icepick.restoreInstanceState(this, savedInstanceState);


            context                    = getBaseContext();
            activity                   = ActivityMain.this;
            realm                      = Realm.getDefaultInstance();
            handler                    = new Handler();
            simcardLists               = realm.where(SimCardLists.class).findAll();
            progressDialog             = new ProgressDialog(this);

        realm.executeTransaction(new Realm.Transaction() {
            public void execute(Realm realm) {
        SP.getInstance().setInt(SP.SharedPrefsTypes.currentRetrievePage, 0);

        List<SimCardLists> initialize = new ArrayList<>();
        simcardListItems.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(context));
        adapter = new SimCardListAdapter(context, initialize, simcardListItems);

        if (realm.where(SimCardLists.class).count() <= 0) {

                    new Intent(
                            context, WebService.class)
                            .putExtra("category", 0)
                            .putExtra("request_type", "getLatestSimCardNumbers")

        if (savedInstanceState == null) {
            Log.e("Its null", "");
            simLists = realm.where(SimCardLists.class).findAll();
            Log.e("NOT null", "");

    protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
        Icepick.saveInstanceState(this, outState);


i read again library documentation to resolve this probelm, but i can not find other helpful tips

if your class implements Parcelable why would you make a custom Bundler class?

the simplest way should be by implementing parcelable and then just use

@State SimCardLists simCardLists;

then i dont need to check savedInstanceState is null or not null?
for example fetch data from database if savedInstanceState is null,
please see below my code, Thanks

List<SimCardLists> simLists;


if (savedInstanceState == null) {
    simLists = realm.where(SimCardLists.class).findAll();
simcardListItems.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(context));
adapter = new SimCardListAdapter(context, simLists, simcardListItems);

I get this error:

Error:(41, 24) error: Don't know how to put a java.util.List<com.pishguy.androidapplication.simcardappliaction.Models.SimCardLists> inside a Bundle

I am not sure I have understand this senario

Thanks @k0shk0sh,

I'm closing this unless there is any further question