frankier / cottontaildb

Cottontail DB is a column store aimed at multimedia retrieval. It allows for classical boolean as well as vector-space retrieval (nearest neighbour search) used in similarity search using a unified data and query model.

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Cottontail DB

Cottontail CI

Cottontail DB is a column store aimed at multimedia retrieval. It allows for classical boolean as well as vector-space retrieval (k-nearest-neighbours lookup) used in similarity search.


Cottontail DB requires Java 9 or newer (Open JDK or Oracle JDK should both work).

Please clone this repository including submodules using either

git clone --recurse-submodules

or initialize submodules after cloning using the following command from within the project directory

git submodule update --init --recursive

Before executing or building Cottontail DB, you must generate Proto sources by executing the Gradle task generateProto, i.e. by running ./gradlew generateProto from within the project directory.

Building and starting Cottontail DB

You can simply start a Cottontail DB instance using ./gradlew run. Alternatively, an executable distribution of Cottontail DB can then be built from sources using the Gradle tasks distTar or distZip. Distributions will be stored relative to the project root in build/distributions as either TAR or ZIP file.

Cottontail DB release artifacts (either built or downloaded from the releases page) can be started by executing bin/cottontaildb or bin/cottontaildb.bat (Windows). It requires a path to a valid configuration file as a program argument, i.e.

bin/cottontaildb /path/to/your/config.json

Using Cottontail DB Docker Container

There is a pre-built Docker container for Cottontail DB for every release version. You can run it using the following command

docker run --name cottontaildb -p 1865:1865 -v /path/to/volume:/cottontaildb-data<version>

It is important to expose the Cottontail DB port using -p 1865:1865 (adjust uf using a different port) and to map the data directory from the host into the container using -v. The data directory is expected to contain a valid config.json file!

Please mind, that you need to login into GitHub in order to be able to download the Docker image. See official manual for further information


All the configuration of Cottontail DB is done by means of a single configuration file. See config.json in project directory for structure of such a file. Most importantly, the file should contain at least the following parameters:

  • root: Path to the root directory used by Cottontail DB. The catalogue and all the data will be stored in this location. Hence, there must be enough space and Cottontail DB must be allowed to read and write it.
  • memoryConfig.forceUnmapMappedFiles: Determines whether MappedByteBuffers should be force-unmapped. Should be set to true unless it causes problems.
  • memoryConfig.dataPageShift: Size of a single data page. A value of e.g. 22 means, that a single page has 2^22 bytes.
  • memoryConfig.cataloguePageShift: Size of a single catalogue page. A value of e.g. 20 means, that a single page has 2^20 bytes.

Remaining parameters will be documented in a future version of this file. Check org.vitrivr.cottontail.config package for code documentation of the configuration parameters.

Connecting to Cottontail DB

Communication with Cottontail DB is facilitated by gRPC. By default, the gRPC endpoint runs on port 1865. The server provides three different services: one for data definition (DDL), one for data management (DML) and one for queries (DQL).

To connect to Cottontail DB, use the gRPC library of your preference based on the programming environment you use. For example, in Kotlin, a connection could be created as follows:

    val channel = ManagedChannelBuilder.forAddress("", 1865).usePlaintext().build()
    val dqlService =  CottonDQLGrpc.newBlockingStub(channel)
    val ddlService =  CottonDDLGrpc.newBlockingStub(channel)
    val dmlService =  CottonDMLGrpc.newBlockingStub(channel)

The example repository points to some simple examples as to how Cottontail DB can be used.


Cottontail DB is based on the ideas presented in the following papers:

Furthermore, the current release of Cottontail DB relies heavily on MapDB for internal data organization and storage.


Cottontail DB is a column store aimed at multimedia retrieval. It allows for classical boolean as well as vector-space retrieval (nearest neighbour search) used in similarity search using a unified data and query model.

License:MIT License


Language:Kotlin 100.0%Language:Dockerfile 0.0%