franciscoBSalgueiro / en-croissant

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Player's Opening Statistic Show/Search more information

illuminat281090 opened this issue · comments

Describe the feature

It is not necessarily but might be useful to add some kind of Expand button with extra info and more search criteria
After you click on it - show ways of game termination results (checkmate, flagged, insufficient material, resignation etc) and percentage of all games and may also be split like win-lose, because you can flag some or be flagged by them after the same opening.
And add Average number of moves by each game termination result after expanding and one general average moves to show before expanding related to the direct opening
Also add number of games with this specific opening, not only some mysterious percentage

So that is the purpose of such idea and allow filtering by couple of such results in combine, like:
find all ("white draws" with "more than 50 moves") and ("white lost" with "flagged" and "more than 65 moves")
and get list of openings/games
search filter can be applied with dropdown list fulfilled with checkboxes
Based on this criteria it will be easier to change to master your opening repertoire or prepare for someone