francescomalatesta / laravel-reactions

Implement reactions for your Eloquent models, easily.

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haleyngonadi opened this issue · comments

Thank you for this! I'm having an issue where when a user reacts to a post, if they react again, instead of replacing the current reaction, a new record is created, with the exact same reaction!

Any way to fix this?


using sync() methood instead of attach()

this does not fix the issue

this does not fix the issue

Hey, maybe my solution will help you:

    $userId =   auth()->user()->id;
    $reaction = Reaction::findOrFail($request->react_id);
    $post = Post::where('id', $request->post_id)->first();

  if($post->reactions) {
    $check = $this->reactValidate($post->id, $userId);
    $alreadyReacted = $check[0]->count;
    $reactableID = $check[0]->rid;

    if ($alreadyReacted >= 1) {
              DB::table('reactables')->where('id', $reactableID)->delete();


      auth()->user()->reactTo($post, $reaction);

The other bit:

   private function reactValidate($postid, $userID) {
      return DB::select('select as rid, count(r.reaction_id) as count from reactables r
      where r.reactable_id ='. $postid .' and r.responder_id ='. $userID);

this does not fix the issue

Hey, maybe my solution will help you:

    $userId =   auth()->user()->id;
    $reaction = Reaction::findOrFail($request->react_id);
    $post = Post::where('id', $request->post_id)->first();

  if($post->reactions) {
    $check = $this->reactValidate($post->id, $userId);
    $alreadyReacted = $check[0]->count;
    $reactableID = $check[0]->rid;

    if ($alreadyReacted >= 1) {
              DB::table('reactables')->where('id', $reactableID)->delete();


      auth()->user()->reactTo($post, $reaction);

thank you for your answer, but it says that the react validate method does not exist