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[BUG] Animating display from 'block' to 'none' not working since 11.0.11

dd-jonas opened this issue Β· comments

1. Read the FAQs πŸ‘‡

2. Describe the bug

When defining variants with display: block and display: none, the display does not return to none upon triggering the animation.

This worked fine in 11.0.10.

3. IMPORTANT: Provide a CodeSandbox reproduction of the bug


4. Steps to reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to the sandbox above
  2. Click on the show/hide button to show the overlay
  3. Click on the show/hide button to hide the overlay
  4. Notice that the opacity has animated, but display is still block (notice that the backdrop is still there, because you can't select nay text on the screen)

5. Expected behavior

The overlay should return to display: none as was the case before 11.0.11.

6. Video or screenshots


7. Environment details
