fpoussin / QStlink2

Cross-platform STLink v2 GUI

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Flash size not detected on STM32F411RET

prrole opened this issue · comments

Using 4936cd6 (current as of 2017-04-17).

Run/Halt/Reset MCU work as expected - but flashing/reading is no go as the size is wrong...

26870 - Debug: { bool MainWindow::connect() }
26871 - Info: Searching Device...
26871 - Debug: { void stlinkv2::flush() }
26900 - Info: ST Link V2 / Nucleo found!
26901 - Info: Fetching version...
26901 - Debug: { stlinkv2::STVersion stlinkv2::getVersion() }
26911 - Debug: API version: 2
26912 - Info: Fetching mode...
26912 - Debug: { quint8 stlinkv2::getMode() }
26923 - Info: Mode: Debug
26924 - Debug: { void stlinkv2::setExitModeDFU() }
26924 - Debug: { quint8 stlinkv2::getMode() }
26936 - Info: Changing mode to SWD...
26936 - Debug: { void stlinkv2::setModeSWD() }
26936 - Debug: { void stlinkv2::setExitModeDFU() }
26936 - Debug: { quint8 stlinkv2::getMode() }
27056 - Info: Fetching mode...
27056 - Debug: { quint8 stlinkv2::getMode() }
27062 - Info: Mode: Debug
27063 - Info: Fetching status...
27063 - Debug: { quint8 stlinkv2::getStatus() }
27063 - Debug: { quint32 stlinkv2::readDbgRegister(quint32) }
27071 - Debug: Status Reg: 0x00030003
27071 - Debug: "110000000000000011"
27071 - Info: Status: Core Halted
27071 - Info: Fetching MCU Info...
27071 - Debug: { quint32 stlinkv2::getCoreID() }
27083 - Info: CoreID: 2BA01477
27083 - Debug: { void stlinkv2::resetMCU() }
27095 - Debug: { quint32 stlinkv2::getChipID() }
27095 - Debug: { quint32 stlinkv2::readDbgRegister(quint32) }
27106 - Info: CM3/4 Searching at E0042000
27106 - Info: ChipID: 0x431
27106 - Debug: Looking for: 0x431
27106 - Debug: Found chipID
27106 - Info: Device type:  "STM32F411xC/E"
27107 - Debug: { quint32 stlinkv2::readFlashSize() }
27107 - Debug: { qint32 stlinkv2::readMem32(QByteArray*, quint32, quint16) } "Reading 4 bytes from 1FFF7A22"
27123 - Info: Flash size: 64715 KB

The st-info program detects it ok:

./st-info --probe
Found 1 stlink programmers
 serial: 563f7506493f48532831113f
openocd: "\x56\x3f\x75\x06\x49\x3f\x48\x53\x28\x31\x11\x3f"
  flash: 524288 (pagesize: 16384)
   sram: 131072
 chipid: 0x0431
  descr: F4 device (low power) - stm32f411re

Current master branch code is not stable, Did you try the releases?
I'm working on the next release to handle latest firmware.

Looks the same with version 1.2.3 I got via apt-get.

My setup works well when I connect directly to SWDIO/SWCLK pins on the STM32F407 discovery board - so I think it's something with the 411 chip.

Okay, it's probably the flash size register address that is wrong.
I'll have to check the datasheet and correct devices.xml. I'm accepting PRs if you don't mind :)

I'm a total n00b with stm32, I found this program as it's the one used in the rather excellent book
"Mastering STM32". It is my own PCB btw, so it could of course be something there - but seems stable, and I'm able to flash and run things using the tool at https://github.com/texane/stlink which also detects the size correctly.

The address for flash size seems to be ok, section 24.2:

Possiblysomething about the organization or variable sector sizes (16/32/128kb)? Not sure if it's normal in other parts, see section 3.3 in PDF above.

Got a little further, don't think it warrants a pull request and all that. Issue is the 411Ret is not recognized as an F4. Added it:

quint32 stlinkv2::readFlashSize()
    QByteArray buf;

    this->readMem32(&buf, mDevice->value("flash_size_reg"));
    mDevice->insert("flash_size", qFromLittleEndian<quint32>((uchar*)buf.data()));
    if (mChipId == STM32::ChipID::F4 || mChipId == STM32::ChipID::F4_HD|| mChipId == STM32::ChipID::F4_DE) {
        mDevice->insert("flash_size", mDevice->value("flash_size") >> 16);
    else {
        mDevice->insert("flash_size", mDevice->value("flash_size")&0xFFFF );
    qInfo("Flash size: %d KB", mDevice->value("flash_size"));
    return mDevice->value("flash_size");

bool stlinkv2::setSTRT()
    quint32 mask = 0;

    if (mChipId == STM32::ChipID::F4 || mChipId == STM32::ChipID::F4_HD|| mChipId == STM32::ChipID::F4_DE) {
        mask |= (1 << STM32::Flash::F4_CR_STRT);
    else {
        mask |= (1 << STM32::Flash::CR_STRT);
    return (this->writeFlashCR(mask, true) & mask) == mask;

and stlinkv2.h

    const quint32 F4_DE = 0x431; /*STM32F411xC/E */

With this, the size is read correctly and I can READ the mcu no problem. Writing however, does not work properly, as it seems to pad the beginning with 0xFF for 16 bytes:

Expecting: 00 00 02 20 6D 02 00 08 71 02 00 08 73 02 00 08 89 02 00 08 8B 02 00 08 A1 02 00
Got:FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 02 20 6D 02 00 08 71 02 00 08 73 02 00 08 89 02 00 08 8B 02 00 08 A1 02 00

Sorry I can't take this one all the way home, I just got to the chapter about installing the tool chain in the book, so VERY inexperienced when in comes to this MCU.

Alright, I'll have a look.
Thanks for the info!

Which ST-Link firmware version are you using?
This is probably related to #33.

The write stuff is probably related yes. I did a checkout and patched version 1.2.3, and writing looks better.

ST-link reported as Version 2, JTAG version 28, SWIM version 7

Yes it it related, i'm working on this already.

Closing this as the issue has been fixed, see the other ticket for the write issue.