fphilipe / premailer-rails

CSS styled emails without the hassle.

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Unable to use the premailer-rails with rails version 3.2.22

ritabala19 opened this issue · comments

I have included " gem 'premailer-rails'" in my Gemfile.

And include stylesheet like this : <%= stylesheet_link_tag "mailers/test" %> in mailer layout file, where path for css file is : app/views/layouts/test.html.erb.

For few days this configuration was working fine. But now it stopped , I an unable to figure out the reason. The external css file is not getting read.

My rails version is 3.2.22

In Gemfile.lock : premailer (1.11.1) addressable css_parser (>= 1.6.0) htmlentities (>= 4.0.0) premailer-rails (1.10.3) actionmailer (>= 3) premailer (~> 1.7, >= 1.7.9)

Any leads will be very helpful.

Sorry, can't say why it's no longer working.

Try creating a minimal example that shows the issue.

Otherwise, I suggest asking on Stack Overflow (share more details and possibly some code).