fossasia / visdom

A flexible tool for creating, organizing, and sharing visualizations of live, rich data. Supports Torch and Numpy.

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[error 16] Device or resource busy

daiqing98 opened this issue · comments


I am not sure if it is because there is something wrong with my code. I understand that I can set a larger ulimit value so that more files can remain open at the same time. But I wonder if it is necessary. My question is that, if there is a way that they are not necessarily opened at the same time?

I am training my model and drawing a loss function while training.

Many thanks!

Visdom requires a server process running concurrently with your plotting process to enable live logging. I'm not quite sure this is a file limit issue - your visdom client is unable to connect to the server. Are you able to visit the server (localhost:8097) in your browser? Are there any issues printed in the server script when you're doing this?

Visdom requires a server process running concurrently with your plotting process to enable live logging. I'm not quite sure this is a file limit issue - your visdom client is unable to connect to the server. Are you able to visit the server (localhost:8097) in your browser? Are there any issues printed in the server script when you're doing this?


Thanks for your reply.

Yes. I am able to visit it and it gives me the error during the training.
It also says "too many open files". When I set ulimit = 10000 instead of 1024, it can run for a longer time before it gives the error.

Here are some relevant codes:

  1. visual part
  2. definition of callbacks
  3. fire callbacks


Many thanks

What's your visualize_images implementation? I suspect it may be leaving open file handles, as nothing here would lead to there being open files.