fossasia / pslab-python

Python Library for PSLab Desktop:

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Update Sphinx docs for the latest version of PSLab PCB pin layout

Pipe-Runner opened this issue · comments

The docs are outdated with the names having a mismatch with the current PCB layout of PSLab.
A lack of examples in the doc also makes the use of this library hard.

Hey @AakashMallik Where can we find this doc having PCB layout of PSLab

@AakashMallik May I work on this

Can I work on this

Hey, I'm a first time contributor and I would like to work on this. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks!

I am a first time contributor may I work on this. Any guidance will be appreciated

I to want to be a contributor any suggestions

Sir can send screen shots of sphinx doc

Sir is it this type of a diagram
images (6)

I like to work on updating docs count me in

The docs in question can be found in, and in docstrings of individual classes and methods. The specific issue mentioned in the title was solved by #141.

The documentation in is largely out of date. For now, we can remove it in favor of building the documentation entirely from docstrings. Additional documentation in the form of extended examples, working principles, and background theory could be added to